Friday Freebie Linkup: Artic Antarctic Resources

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freebie friday 2015

Arctic Animal Packs from Royal Baloo
It is 60+ pages of mazes, SuDoKu, writing practice, cutting, shapes, addition, subtraction, and more!

Polar Animals Resources from Primary Treasure Chest
To help teach children about polar animals, we have made many printables for educators to use when teaching this topic to children in primary and elementary schools. The polar animal themed posters, flashcards and display words have been given a time saving double mounted effect, which will also save on your school supplies. We also have polar animal matching cards, which are all great to help motivate children and keep them busy. The snow themed display letterings has been made available on a Word document, to enable you to re-size if required and cut & paste onto a second (new) Word document. We hope you find the below polar animal resources both time saving and useful.

Antarctica Unit w/ Free Printables from Every Star Is Different
Antarctica Unit Language Printable Pack 1
Antarctica Unit Math Printable Pack 1
Antarctica Unit Geography & Culture Printable Pack 1

Cute Penguin Art Template from Fun Classroom Creations on Made By Teachers
This is an adorable Penguin cut and paste art template made with heart shapes available for FREE on

Who Lives in the Arctic? Free Emergent Reader from United Teaching on Teachers Pay Teachers
This free emergent reader is a great addition to a unit on Arctic animals. The first page shows where the Arctic is located on Earth. Following pages begin with the sentence: The ‘name of arctic animal’ lives in the Arctic.

Playful Penguins File Folder Game from Kathy Hutto on Teachers Pay Teachers
Playful Penguins is a file folder game designed to help your preschooler or kindergartener practice recognizing and counting the numbers 1-10. Print and cut out all of the components of this resource and glue (excluding snowflakes) into a file folder as indicated. Your child will look at the number listed on a penguin’s tummy and count and lay that many snowflakes on top of the penguin. Store snowflakes in a sandwich bag.

You can laminate the file folder and snowflakes for extra durability or print the snowflakes on cardstock paper.

Arctic Animal Crafts Round-Up from Learn Create Love
Printable Arctic Animal Crafts:
Albatross Craft
Beluga Whale Craft
Killer Whale Craft
Lynx Craft
Macaroni Penguin Craft
Narwhal Craft
Penguin Craft
Polar Bear Craft
Puffin Craft
Seal Craft
Snowy Owl Craft
Walrus Craft
Whale Craft
Wolverine Craft

Other Arctic & Cold Weather Animal Crafts
Paper Roll Penguin Craft
Handprint Penguin Craft
Printable Moose Craft
Printable Mountain Goat Craft
Printable Bear Craft
Printable Wolf Craft

Penguin Counting Math Game with Free Printable from Coffee Cups and Crayons
We love to learn through play, especially when numbers and math are involved, so it will be no surprise to hear that this penguin counting game is a huge hit with my kiddos! I love to see them so excited about playing with numbers.

I also love activities that are easy to prep and can be used in multiple ways so I am thrilled to share this free printable number game with you courtesy of our sponsor, Kneebouncers!

Penguin Printables, Crafts and Ideas from Homeschool Giveaways on Free Homeschool Deals
Homeschool Giveaways has compiled a huge list of free Penguin-themed printables, crafts, and ideas for your young learners!

Browse through the many links and create a small unit study of this interesting animal! In addition to printables and crafts, you’ll find book suggestions and even toy ideas.

Arctic activities and free printables from Welcome to Mommyhood
I’m going to keep this intro short and sweet – we’ve been working on the arctic (along with Christmas, Saint Nicholas Day, and winter ideas that will be coming in future posts). These works were so much fun to put together, and most importantly, my son really enjoyed pulling them from our shelves!

The Inuit and Arctic Circle Free Lapbook from Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus
Using a lapbook is not just for real young children. I am not sure why that thinking permeates in the homeschool world and I have often wondered why it does. I think sometimes we might feel that middle school or high school is suppose to be only about serious learning. My thinking has changed and has been molded by many homeschool experiences but one thing that has not changed is the need to add a bit of fun to our every day subjects. Easy lapbooking is a way to do this and to curb negative attitudes about middle school and high school.

High school for sure is preparation for adulthood and a livelihood. For example, in our business we have had to prepare visually appealing brochures. Our very livelihood has depended on the visual appeal of both our business website and our trifold brochures. The layout of a lapbook models for my children the different graphic layouts for any project that they may encounter as adults. The emphasis too is not just on the content or material to be researched but on presentation of the lapbook. I guess that is why I say I use my lapbooks for enrichment. We do unit studies, write some each day and like you, do math. So I am not interested in presenting to my children or anybody else for that matter a bunch of blank uninspiring mini books.

Arctic Animals Do-a-Dot Printables {free} from Gift of Curiosity
My Arctic Animals Do-a-Dot Printables pack contains 26 pages of Arctic animals do-a-dot worksheets. As kids complete these worksheets, they will work on one-to-one correspondence, shapes, colors, patterning, letters, and numbers.

Free Polar Bear Teaching Resources from Promoting Success
Here are some fun polar bear teaching resources.

Arctic Disaster! from Scolastic
Your child will love solving this riddle by comprehending this passage on the Arctic.

Winter Activity Printables from Life of a Homeschool Mom
Beat the winter time blues with these fun FREE Winter Activity Printables from Kids Activities Blog! Inside you’ll find trace work, mazes, scrambled sentences and more!

from A Teaching Mommy
This link includes Preschool and Tot packs.

Arctic Emergent Reader from Maggie’s Kindergarten on Teachers Pay Teachers
This little reader is for early readers in kindergarten. It also focuses on the theme of friends and caring.


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