Technology Tuesday #6 ~ James Hall Museum of Transport

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We went to the James Hall Museum of Transport in the South of Johannesburg last week and the kids had an absolute ball. We learnt all about transport vehicles from the horse and cart to today’s electric vehicles. It was very interesting to see how the technology has evolved in the last 130 years.

Here are a few pictures of what we saw. I took over 500 pictures, so this is just the very tip of the ice berg.
When we arrived, we saw an old wagon outside in the play area. Grampa explained to the kids how it was pulled and showed them what was left of the break.
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A tour guide introduced us to the museum. Since we didn’t have a guided tour, he gave us a lot of the information up front and explained what is and is not allowed.
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Carts and Carriages
Public transport carts (the equivalent of the modern day taxi)
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Mail Carriage
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Family Coach
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How cute is this kiddie sized car?
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Salvation Army Gospel Caravan
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Fire Brigade Equipment
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Fordsburg Tram
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Brill Electric Tram
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Johannesburg’s Last Tram
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Old fuel pump
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Refuelling station for the horses, LOL
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A trip to a transport museum wouldn’t be complete without a Zulu Rickshaw!
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We found this really cool family van. My friend A was in heaven!
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Steam powered bus
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When we were done going through the museum, the kids played on the tractor on the play ground.
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Monsters Ed Technology Tuesday

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Monsters Ed Technology Tuesday

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technologytuesdayprevious posts

#1 ~ DIY Windmills: Tutorial
#2 ~ K5Learning Review
#3 ~ Time4Learning Review
#4 ~ How is Technology used in our homeschool?
#5 ~

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