Being a wife, mother, teacher, housewife, cook, baker, nurse, therapist, friend, woman, etc takes it toll if you don’t put yourself first. You need to be healthy, both spiritually, mentally and physically to meet the demands of your family. Its easier said than done, I know. I’m struggling with this delicate matter myself and am suffering from MOMMY BURN OUT at the moment. I’ve been doing extensive reading on the subject for some time and it has highlighted my own struggles on the subject and how I need to deal with them.
How do I know I’m suffering from MOMMY BURN OUT?
Physical signs you may be suffering from MOMMY BURN OUT:
Irritability, Exhaustion and Problems sleeping
You feel like if you could only sleep, watch movies in bed, and read for a week or so everything would be good again
Low productivity and Decline in job performance
Not being able to complete responsibilities and tasks; caring for yourself, children, partner/spouse, volunteer and/or work responsibilities
Reduced enjoyment of your children
Life is good and nothing is “wrong”, but you are unusually emotional and heavy hearted
Teeth grinding or clenching jaw and/or jaw pain and Health Issues
Recurring aches, pains, colds, illness, when you are usually fit and healthy
Negative attitudes (about oneself and/or others)
Lack of motivation
You typically enjoy your days, but now everything feels like a huge undertaking
Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
A task that you usually love, like cooking, you wake up dreading instead
In next week’s post, I’ll be highlighting the main contributors to Mommy Burn out.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I am writing this as someone who is/has battled with this topic. These symptoms mirror those of depression. In depression these symptoms would be magnified and extended. I highly suggest visiting your doctor if these symptoms persist after taking the steps laid out in this series.
Reference articles used in this series:
signs of mommy burnout and tips to help you avoid it from Steady Mom
5 Stages of Mommy Burnout from Powerful Mothering
3 Ways to Avoid Mommy Burnout from Huff Post Parents
Mothering Burnout: What it is. What you Can Do from Safe Motherhood
Are You a Burned-Out Mom? from Mom’s being well
20 Bad Habits That Contribute To Mom Burnout from Abundant Mama
Baby Blues: ‘Me Time’ Isn’t The Mommy Burnout Cure-All I Thought It Would Be from Mommyish
10 Ways to Achieve Mommy Burnout from Power of Moms
Maxed Out Parents: 5 Strategies to Ease Burnout from Psychology Today