FREE Community Helpers Coloring Pages from In All You Do
This pack includes:
52 total coloring pages
13 plain coloring pages for toddlers
13 preschool letters coloring pages
13 manuscript coloring pages for early writers
13 cursive coloring pages for upper elementary
Helpers Emergent Reader! from Kindergarten Smorgasboard on Teachers Pay Teachers
A beginning emergent reader focusing on community helpers. Each page is a different community helper and focuses on the sight words I and A. Great for Read to Self time, book bags and homework!
Free Creative Writing Prompts: Community Helpers from Free Homeschool Deals
It’s so important for kids to continue writing and reading during the summer. Children can loose 30% of what they learned in the previous grade unless their parents are actively helping children practice to keep these skills fresh. I created these creative writing prompts to help parents and homeschoolers easily incorporate writing into their summers.
Community Helpers and People’s Jobs from First Palette
Free printable community helpers to color and use for crafts and other learning activities.
Community Helpers Bubble Maps from Growing Kinders
Here are some bubble maps to use when you are learning about community helpers with your kiddos. You can make them into a book or just them individually. After you have brainstormed what a community helper does, the children can write a sentence about one thing that helper does.
To see our other Community Helpers Free Friday Posts click on the banner on the top of the post.