12 Months of Montessori Learning ~ September: Mathematics

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Introduction to Mathematics from Montessori Primary Guide
Math is all around the young child from day one. How old are you? In one hour you will go to school. You were born on the 2nd.

Number itself cannot be defined and understand of number grows from experience with real objects but eventually they become abstract ideas. It is one of the most abstract concepts that the human mind has encountered. No physical aspects of objects can ever suggest the idea of number. The ability to count, to compute, and to use numerical relationships are among the most significant among human achievements. The concept of number is not the contribution of a single individual but is the product of a gradual, social evolution. The number system which has been created over thousands of years is an abstract invention. It began with the realization of one and then more than one. It is marvelous to see the readiness of the child’s understanding of this same concept…

Math from Just Montessori
Learning mathematical concepts in a Montessori classroom begins concretely and progresses towards the abstract. They are developed from simple to complex. Process is taught first and facts come later. Order, coordination, concentration, and independence are experienced by the child using these materials. The math activities are organized into five groups…

Learn about the Primary Montessori Math Program from Montessori Print Shop
Math is logic, sequence, order, and the extrapolation of truth. In the Montessori philosophy it’s stated that the child has a ‘mathematical mind’ and an internal drive to understand the environment around them. It can therefore be said that children have an inborn attraction for math. Their minds are full of energy that propels them to absorb, manipulate, classify, order, sequence, abstract, and repeat. These tendencies are those which help the child to acquire a greater depth to his mathematical knowledge…

Approach to Maths from Montessori Society AMI UK
Dr. Montessori recognised that children are born with a particular kind of mind, one that is naturally inclined towards order. This ‘special’ mind is what gives humans the ability to make judgements and to calculate; it is how we have progressed in fields such as engineering and architecture. Dr. Montessori called this ‘the mathematical mind’ – a term borrowed from the French physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Montessori felt that, if we are to support development, then we must offer mathematics at an early age since this is the kind of support that is appropriate for the kind of mind that we have…

Free Montessori Math Videos from Living Montessori Now
The Montessori math curriculum was one of the first areas that helped me fall in love with Montessori education. I was especially impressed with the brilliance of the Montessori math materials for teaching the decimal system. I still am…




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