Free Fire Safety Printables and Montessori-Inspired Fire Safety Activities from Living Montessori Now
Free Printables Used in the Pictured Fire-Safety Activities for Preschoolers-First Graders
Fire Safety Lap Book from Shower of Roses
It was a simple Lap Book, but very effective. We discussed what to do when a fire starts in our home, escape routes and plans, meeting spot, our home address and phone number, fire alarms, what to do when on fire, how to treat burns, and more.
Fire Safety and Community Helpers from Mrs Will’s Kindergarten
Scroll to the bottom of this post and click on the same image as the one above.
Fire Safety Pack from royal Baloo
This Fire Safety pack is intended for kids aged 3 to 5.
Fire Safety from School Express
Fire Safety Week from Lory’s Page
Fire Fighter Crafts, Firefighter and Fire Safety Preschool and Kindergarten Activities, Lessons, Fire Fighter Daycare Games Games, and Printables from Kids Soup
Fire Fighter Crafts and Fire Fighters Preschool Activities! Fire is magical to children. It emits warmth and light and is used in many types of celebrations around the world. However, fire also has a scary side. It can be dangerous when it is misunderstood or used inappropriately. For these reasons, children need to learn at an early age that fire is not for play. They also need to learn how to protect themselves if they come into contact with fire. Our resources introduce children to the benefits and dangers of fire. It also provides numerous child-friendly safety tips and loads of information about firefighters and the important work they do. Many wonderful books, rhymes, movement activities, games, and interactive materials are included to make the learning process fun, educational, and empowering.Find more than 80 Fire Fighter Crafts, Fire Fighter Preschool Activities, Fire Fighter Daycare Games and printables inside our KidsSoup Resource Library.