Freebie Friday Linkup: Monster Resources

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freebie friday 2015

Monster Resources

FREE Monsters Inc. Worksheets for Kids from 123 Homeschool 4 Me
Included in University Monsters Pack:
– Pre-Writing Practice
– Cutting
– Build a Word
– Upper/Lower Case Letters (K-1st)
– Tracing Words
– Letter Uu
– Build a Sentence (K-2nd)
– Cut & Paste
– Graphing
– Number Practice
– Shadow Matching
– Which One is Different
– Patterns
– Size Sequencing
– Addition (Preschool – 2nd Grade)
– Alphabetizing (K-2nd)
-What Time is it (Kindergarten)
– Puzzles (Toddler & Preschool)
– Color Discernment (K)
– Multiplication & Division (2nd & 3rd Grade)
– Alphabet Chart (Preschool – 1st Grade)
– Skip Counting by 2s (Kindergarten)
– Cursive Chart (2nd Grade)
-Create a Word Strip “ike” (Kindergarten)
-Learning Cursive (2nd Grade)

Bons points monstres from Saperlipopette

Free Roll A Monster Printable from 3 Dinosaurs
This is fun to do for any age and kids love it. You can always change it up and make it a challenge for them. I love having fun with the game. If you need a dice don’t forget about the Number Writing Dice.

Free Monster Pack! from 3 Dinosaurs
Monster Pack contains over 65 pages:
(part 1) 3 Part Cards, which One is Different, What Comes Next, Prewriting Practice, Pattern Cards, Matching Cards, 4 Part Puzzles, 10 Part Puzzles, Clip & Count 0 to 20, (part 2) Beginning Sound, Wall Cards, 2 Write Beginning Sound, Trace Word, Write Word, Size Sorting, Trace & Color, Cutting Practice, Color by Size, Math Pages (Addition, Subtraction, Greater Than/Less Than, Counting), Find the M, Fill in the Missing Number, ABC Writing, Math Matching, Monster Color by Number, Roll & Count (1 to 5, 1 to 10, 1 to 20), Roll & Count Questions, (part 3) Color the Pattern, Fill in the Missing Pattern, Word Family Sort (-ig, -it, -in), Blends Sort (br-, dr-, pr-) Make Your Own Monster

Tot Pack contains 36 pages:
Prewriting Practice, 2 Part Cards, Color the Monster, Matching cards, 2 9 Piece Puzzles, Monster Matching, Roll & Count, Shape Tracing, Letter Sorting, Dot the Letter, Lacing Card, M Tot Page.

Monster Blank:
3 Part Cards, Beginning Sound and Pocket Cards.

Counting Monsters (1-10) FREEBIE! from Paula Harrell on Teachers Pay Teachers
Here is a fun monster counting FREEBIE to help your students with number names and counting sequence.

Monster Mania Learning Pack {A to Z Unit Studies} from This Sweet Life
Roar! Growl! Grumble! Is that a monster I hear? If your little one loves monsters as much as my three year old nephew does, you’ll love this sweet Monster Mania preschool/kindergarten learning pack I have put together for you! Inside you’ll find pages with activities that range from fun coloring pages to number and letter recognition and more.

Vowels (freebie) from Inspired by Kindergarten
Vowels are the glue that stick words together!

Monster Activity Pack (Printable) from
Makeovers & Motherhood
My boys love coloring, puzzles, and doing activities. Our activity packs have been wonderful for car rides, quiet time (and restaurant) activities, and even gifts for our friends! This Monster Activity Pack may just be our funnest one yet!

Counting with Monsters University Printables from 3 Boys and a Dog
These free counting worksheets are perfect for your preschool children or Kindergarten aged children! They will love learning with these Monsters University Printables. Perfect for counting practice and as an addition to all the Monsters, Inc movies!

Monsters University Activity Sheets from Upstate Ramblings
Here are some cute activity sheets for the upcoming Monsters University movie. Just click on an image to download a printable pdf. I love the idea of having a Monsters University Student Id, how cute!

Speech Therapy Monster Freebie- What Begins with ‘M”? Phonological Awareness from Speech Sprouts on Teachers Pay Teachers
Speech Therapy Monster Freebie- What Begins with ‘M”?
Practice isolation and phonological awareness of initial ‘M’ with this freebie!

Building early phonological awareness skills is important for learning to read. Children with speech disorders are at a higher risk than their peers for reading difficulties.

Great for Halloween, or anytime for use in literacy Centers, Rti practice, or speech therapy.

Descriptive Writing FREEBIE – Monsters from Reading Royalty on Teachers Pay Teachers
This FREEBIE is great for introducing descriptive writing.

Included is a page for students to create and draw their monster, a graphic organizer, and lined paper for their finished writing.

Students create and draw a detailed picture of a monster. They everything about their monsters on the graphic organizers (hair, mouth, teeth, and other features like clothing and accessories). They can then organizer their description into a paragraph using the lined paper.

As an extension/enrichment activity, have students read their finished descriptive pieces aloud to a classmate, who has to visualize and recreate the monster using the details they heard. This is helpful for students to see what details they missed in their description!

Free Montessori Emotions Cards from Professor Poppins
…Don’t believe me? Let me give you some examples:

Jealousy- Jealous of your neighbors, jealous of something someone else has that you don’t, jealous when someone you love gives too much attention for your liking to something or someone else…. what do you normally do? Get mad at that person/thing? I thought so 🙂

Frustration- When you are frustrated that your kids are destroying your house, that someone isn’t listening to you…. what is your normal response? Anger?…

Monster Books for Kids: Free Emergent Readers! from The Measured Mom
In the download you will get:

Colorful Monsters
The Hungry Monster
Can you See the Monster?
Monsters at School

Halloween Math and Literacy Activity Packet aligned to the Common Core Standards from Golden Rule Design on Teachers Pay Teachers
Halloween Math and Literacy Activity Packet aligned to the Common Core Standards
Have fun while learning valuable skills!
This Halloween packet will provide you with fun activities and printables that will keep your students engaged and learning for days!

Free Monster Pack Update! from 3 Dinosaurs
Monster Pack Update contains over 40 pages added:
(part 4) Monster Shape Matching, Monster Blend Matching, Monster CVC Matching, Monster Number Matching, Monster Sorting, Find the Monster Shadow, Color the Monster by Directions, Count & Color, Addition Pages, Subtraction Pages, Label the Begging Sound, Count & Graph Monsters, Addition & Subtraction Monsters, Label the Monster, Monster Writing, Monster Statement Writing, Trace the Letter M, Fill in the Missing Numbers, (part 5) Writing Monster “at”, “og”, “ng”, “st”, Follow the Path & Questions, Monster Addition & Subtraction Sorting, Fill in the Missing Numbers, Solve & Graph, Monster Count Their Money, Color The Correct Answer, Monster Roll & Cover

Dot Sticker Page – Letter M Printable from The Measured Mom
There are so many ways to do these pages! Here are ways we’ve tried:

using round office stickers – known as “dot stickers” at our house
Do-a-Dot Markers
colorful round magnets
using our own pom pom magnets created with pom poms, magnets, and a glue gun

There Once Was a Monster {Craftivity} from Keeping it Captivating on Teachers Pay Teachers
Have a little fun with your students as they create their own monster. The writing portion of this craftivity can be either topic: a story about a monster or descriptive writing about the monster created. To get the students thinking about who their monster is and what it looks like, there is a graphic organizer that makes them think about what, when, and how about their monster. There is also a paper for students to sketch out their monster.

Graphic organizer
Monster sketch paper
Patterns, photo, and directions
Lined writing paper (2 different line styles)

Free Monster ABC & Number Wall Cards from 3 Dinosaurs
What you will find in these printables: Numbers 0 to 20 and All the ABCs in Wall Card Size.

A Year of Monsters Calendar Headers from Maria Manore Gavin on Teachers Pay Teachers
This is a collection of 12 labels to place above your classroom calendar. These monthly headers feature fun seasonal colors and monster graphics. They are formatted to print on legal-size paper. Once trimmed, the printed headers measure 4×13”. For lasting durability, mount the headers on construction paper and laminate before use.




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