Monsters’ First Visit to the Coast Part 2

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Monsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the Coast

Monsters' First Visit to the Coast

Dipping toes in the ocean for the first time

Our first visit to the beach was amazing! The kidlets just L.O.V.E.D. the beach! Aunty Nan and Uncle Brian live a 5 minute drive from the beach and what better way to introduce the kids to the see than to buy buckets and spades, swimming costumes and towels and head to the beach first thing in the morning? After breakfast of course.
Monsters' First Visit to the Coast
I didn’t think to put the kids into their swimming cozzies because it is winter and that water is friggen COLD! That didn’t stop them from getting completely soaked through and then putting the cozzies on anyway.
Monsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the Coast
Unfortunately the beach we were on was being used for a mini triathlon that day, but we got to see the lifesavers do some kind of rip tide rescue training while the kids were playing in the breakers.
Monsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the Coast
Pixie loved playing on the beach, she was full of sand! She decorated a sand castle with a few of the muscle shells she had found and put a spade full of sand in her bucket with EVERY step she took till we sat down. She was over the moon!
Monsters' First Visit to the Coast
Monsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the Coast
Koko and Fifi loved playing in the water. They just wanted to go deeper, and Papa ended up going in up to his knees with them. They really did have the most amazing time with their daddy.
Monsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the CoastMonsters' First Visit to the Coast
We decided that we were going to try out different restaurants while we were there. Our first lunch was at Something Good Roadhouse, MAN their burgers are AMAZING!
Monsters' First Visit to the Coast
Keep an eye out tomorrow for more photos and news on our first visit to the coast and the out visit to Bayworld and the beach… AGAIN!




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