Technology Tuesday #2 ~ K5Learning Review

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I would like to invite you all to link up your technology related posts. Be it games, blogging advice/resources, technology based learning or reviews, etc. The only requirements are that the post focuses on technology and is family friendly.

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We were given the opportunity to review the K5Learning online curriculum and Fifi has really taken to it. She does half an hour to 45 minutes every morning while Koko does his reading and writing lessons. I love that she can work on her own, and even log on without needing much help, giving me time to work with one of the other kidlets. Fifi has learned so much over the 6 weeks we have been reviewing this curriculum. Her maths has improved by leaps and bounds and so has her reading comprehension.

Costs involved?

Its quite expensive, but well worth it.

Monthly Subscription:

First child = $25
Additional children = $15< Annual Subscription
First child = $199
Additional children = $129

What is included in the deal?
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Other than the interactive lessons which the children can complete without assistance, the following is included: Parents can review their child’s progress with the report function.

It gives an overview of how the child is progressing
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There is also the option to get a more details report
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There are free worksheets available for each grade and subject
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This is a program I am seriously considering for our next school year.

What is K5?

K5 Learning is an online after-school study program for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. We build reading, math and study skills to last a lifetime. K5 includes 4 reading and math programs

k5 1

K5 Reading helps kids become strong readers and develop a love of reading. This award-winning program covers phonemic awareness, phonics, sight words, vocabulary and reading comprehension.

k5 2 K5 Spelling is an advanced vocabulary program which improves language skills one word at a time. We feature adaptive instruction, automatic word generation, an optimized visual interface, and a 150,000+ word database.

k5 3

K5 Math is an award-winning program which builds self confidence and a deep understanding of math concepts. K5 Math  covers numbers and operations, geometry, measurement (including time and money), algebraic thinking and data analysis.

k5 4 K5 Math Facts uses adaptive technology to help kids develop instant recall of basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. Progress on each and every math fact is monitored until mastery is obtained.   technologytuesdayfeatured

Did you know that when you produce a PDF and distribute it that you are liable for its use?  Wait, did I just say that if you spend all your hard work and effort creating a printable, offer it for FREE, distribute and not receive a penny for it (assuming that you do not have ads on your site, which would mean you are using the printable as advertising), that you could be then sued and held liable for someone else’s losses?  Click on the image to read more

Did you know that when you produce a PDF and distribute it that you are liable for its use? Wait, did I just say that if you spend all your hard work and effort creating a printable, offer it for FREE, distribute and not receive a penny for it (assuming that you do not have ads on your site, which would mean you are using the printable as advertising), that you could be then sued and held liable for someone else’s losses? Click on the image to read more

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Monsters Ed Technology Tuesday

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Monsters Ed Technology Tuesday

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