Today was such a beautiful day. We decided to have our lessons outside. I killed 2 birds with one stone today. Noo got to get some “fresh” air and Koko could run around outside supervised 8)
Noo’s reading is improving in leaps and bounds. I’m so glad I decided to use the Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons program.
Here are some photos of our outdoor lessons today
All 3 children sitting under the umbrella. Noo is working in his maths workbooks.
Fifi enjoying the outdoors. She has taken to the bouncer. I think she prefers it to her swing
Noo was riding his chair and tipped over. Thankfully on the soft grass.
Koko keeping himself occupied
Snack time
Noo “writing” our names with the Letterland magnetic letters
My hansom little man
Koko being a happy helper. He was helping Noo put the magnetic letters away.
Noo practicing his bowling. He is getting very good at this, might I add. I have a feeling we have another trophy coming our way