Noo got this volcano kit from Edukits for his birthday (note this kit does not make lava).
We used my No Cook Play Dough Recipe to make the volcano and left it to dry overnight (it can be baked for approximately 45 minutes at 180 degrees C for faster results).
We went to visit a good homeschool friend I met online just after we decided to homeschool. She has 3 children aged 8, 6 and 4 and all our children get along so well 🙂 We took the volcano with and the kids painted it. Once it had dried, and the children had played for quite a while, we took it outside and started the experiment. The kids were dissappointed that the volcano didn’t make lava but enjoyed watching the “eruption” as the chemicals reacted. After the reaction was finished, we pulled out the vinegar and bicarbonate of soda and made our own lava which the kids adored and as a plus it was non toxic.
Here are a few pics of the “eruption”. We didn’t get pics of the “lava” as the camera’s batteries died and I forgot there were charged batteries in the bag, LOL.
The unpainted Volcano and the little houses we made out of the modelling clay that came with the kit.
The painted volcano ready for the experiment
The “eruption”. These are unfortunately the nicest pictures I could get because the chemicals used in this kit are hazardous, so we couldn’t get too close 🙁