With all the sickies going around in our home, it has taken Koko 3 weeks to complete the letter G.
We make a divider each week for his file with the letter we are busy learning. This time we did “G for Grapes.”
Koko “writing” his name ♥
We use mini pompoms for our magnet sheet, its one of his favourite activities.
Colour by numbers, he is getting better at this. Now he just has to learn to colour in the lines.
Letter H Sort from Creative Learning fun. She has the coolest freebies on her blog. Go check them out.
He loves the gluing activities. I still cut the goodies out for him he does all the gluing himself and almost uses an entire tube of glue, LOL.
He was meant to cut on the lines, but his co-ordination isn’t quite there yet
He cut the page up in pieces instead, LOL