Grade 00 (Pre-k) Curriculum ~ 2012 (and an extra math resource)

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Koko officially starts Grade 00 (what we refer to as Pre-k here in South Africa) on 9 January 2012. In just 1 year, he will be in Grade 0 (Kindergarten). Time sure flies when you’re having fun.

I decided to put a curriculum together since he loves working out of workbooks so much. He so desperately wants to be *big* like Noo, so this is the first step 🙂

I purchased the books from These books will be worked on in conjunction with our weekly themes (watch this space for the post). I decided to go with Carol Vorderman’s workbooks (published by Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd), we love her science books Noo used last year.

Here is the list of books I have ordered and we are anxiously awaiting their delivery…




Inconjuction with these books, we will be starting the Raising Rock Stars Preschool curriculum in conjunction with the Letter of the Week curriculum. Koko is ready for the work load, giving him work that lasts an hour just doesn’t cut it with him anymore, he wants to do more work.

As an extra school resource, I’ve ordered Carol Vorderman’s Times Tables Made Easy.


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See more Preschool resources HERE and Grade 0/Kindergarden resources HERE