Bee Crafty Kids Blog Hop #3 ~ Fun Flag Activity

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You need:
1 Flag printout on white paper
1 Country map print out on coloured card
Paint in the colours of your country’s flag
Paint brushes

Paint the flag and leave to dry once completed
Cut out the country map, leaving a “window” in the centre of the card.
Once the paint on the flag is dry, paste the map “window” over the top, with the flat showing through.
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See my previous Bee Crafty Kids posts HERE

Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy"><img src="" alt="Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Link up rules:

  • Enter the direct link to one or more of your own posts that showcase a craft or hands on activity for children.
  • A link back with the above button is appreciated, but not required
  • Try to at least comment on one or two of the other blogs that took the time to share and join!

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