Election Day

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Today is voting/election day here in South Africa, so we won’t be doing any formal school work.  We got up later than expected and ended up standing in a ridiculously long queue. This queue is ONLY for people with surnames starting with RHO-ZZZ!

About an hour in, I realised I’d forgotten my ID at home and we had walked to the polling station so that we didn’t have to worry about traffic. Fortunately it was only 2 blocks from home (still far though) and Papa ran home in his flip flops to go get it. That man rocks my world ♥ He drove the car back, the poor man was exhausted. It took him 20 minutes to run home, get my ID and get back into the queue with me. Lesson learned *hanging head in same*

We stood in the queue for a little over 2 HOURS, with all 4 kids running around like mad things. There were quite a few kids there and Koko made fast friends with two brothers who had brought their soccer ball *thumbs up to the parents*

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