Letting your kids get crafty allows you to have more free time for you. Be it as it may, the mess they create can be pretty overwhelming and difficult to clean. If you want to keep your kids occupied but you definitely don’t want to spend your evening (and night) cleaning the living room couch, you had better go with some easy-to-clean-up crafts like the ones we offer in this article. Enjoy!

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1. Pool Noodle Spiders

Our first suggestion are those cute and benevolent pool noodle spiders that will fascinate your kids. They can be made outside, which is a huge plus, especially if you are looking for a mess-free craft project. What you need is some pipe cleaners, pool noodles, sticky eyes and dots. Check out this quick tutorial on pool noodle spiders. We bet your children will love this idea. Just make sure you are around for when they need your help.
Reasons to choose this one: affordable, no paint, no gluing, no mess, it can be done outdoors.
2. Stuffed Glove Monsters
Every kid leaves behind many single gloves, the matches of which are nowhere to be found. Ever wondered what to do with them? One thing is for sure, they can be repurposed into something else. So before you toss them in the recycle bin, make sure to try out this one; it’s monster gloves. This is a mess-free craft project that your kids will easily fall for. What you need is a few gloves, buttons, a pair of scissors, batting, sewing needle. Here is a tutorial on this one. You want to keep an eye on your kids throughout the project. They will need your help throughout the steps.
Reasons to choose this one: affordable, simple, easy to make, fun, mess-free, it can be done outdoors.
3. Stone Animals
Nothing keeps your home from messes than doing all the craft projects outdoors. Hence this simple and fun way to turn stones into art. Coax your kids into making their own stone animals. The things you will need are white stones and pens. If you don’t have white stones, have your children paint them white using white acrylic paint. And before you begin, don’t forget to send your small ones on the hunt for large flat stones in the yard. This part of the process is fun as hell to them, too. Plus, while they are out looking for stones, you can have some free time for yourself. See? Everything has a bright side.
Reasons to choose this one: easy to make, simple and affordable supplies, mess-free, it can be done outdoors.
4. Button Bracelets
This project is very easy to do and is not likely to create a big mess. No paint or other messy materials are used, which means your work area will be safe. No steam cleaning will be required to clean up the room after the craft project is over are sayfig Acton Cleaning Services. Just make sure to pick buttons of different colors and sizes so that your children can make funny colorful bracelets. You also need a pair of scissors and a length of elastic or ribbon. Note that if the holes in the buttons are small, a sewing needle will be required as well. Show your kids how to make their own bracelets and watch them have fun. It’s a wise idea to supervise them throughout the process, especially if they have to use a sewing needle.
Reasons to choose this one: mess-free, easy to clean up, frugal, simple supplies, no paint, it can be done outdoors.
As you can see, crafting can be clutter-free as well. Try out any of these suggestions
Written and submitted by: Demi Giles from Clean Start Cleaning Services.