And so, the Monsters’ first visit to the coast holiday comes to an end. We left early on Saturday morning and headed home on the main route to Johannesburg.
The mountain passes weren’t as spectacular on the way home. I tried to get a photo, but Papa’s head was in the way, LOL.
Driving through the little towns was interesting. We found this 1866 Church in Cradock. Isn’t it beautiful?
We stopped at a little road side stop to stretch our legs and realised that we had stopped next to the border of some or other predator reserve. I can’t find the name of the reserve on the map, unfortunately. We did see some buck just as we left, so we got a game drive in while we were heading home. The kids were rather thrilled.
We hit a long stretch of awful road works about an hour out of Middleburg. What a disaster! I now know why the GPS had us going to Port Elizabeth via Queenstown.
We were surprised at the lack at rest stops between Port Elizabeth and Colesburg. We eventually stopped to refill the car at Colesburg Engen One Stop and they washed the car and trailer for for us. What service! Unfortunately, the One Stop is under construction and there was nowhere to stop and eat, so we headed to the Shell Ultra City for lunch.
I took these photos of the Sunset between Bloemfontein and Virginia. OMGsh, I’d forgotton how beautiful the Northern Free State, where I was born and raised, sun sets can be.
We headed home early on Sunday morning after spending the night at my Dad’s again. The kidlets couldn’t stop telling how how awesome our holiday was! We decided to stop at the Shell Ultra City for breakfast on the way home as a homage to our coastal holiday, and then headed home.
Johannesburg greeted us with, but chilly, weather.
It was bitter sweet arriving back home and the children have asked, at least once a day, if we can move to Port Elizabeth. I don’t blame them, it really was amazing.