Introducing the Momma Playdate

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momma playdate

Over on my other blog, Getting Me Back, I introduced my new intiative for Moms called the Momma Playdate.

I attended a fantastic moms’ breakfast hosted by Kids Emporium and the inspirational speaker, Janice from Working Moms Expo (which you can read about here), spoke to us about taking back our power. I decided to take a little charge of the me time I so desperately feel I’m not getting and invite others to join me and so the Momma Playdate was born!

The Momma Playdate is something I think we all need. We all need a little time, surrounded by other moms who are also in need of some adult company without having to keep an eye out for our kidlets. We need to look after ourselves and our emotional well being in order to be the best mom and partner we can be. You cannot pour from an empty cup and this is my way to help other mothers refil their cup, so to speak.

My plan is to have a quarterly “Momma Playdate”. It will be a 3 course luncheon held at a venue, still to be decided, in Johannesburg. Tickets will be available for sale before the event. No children will be allowed and it will be for Mothers Only. If you are interested in attending, becoming involved or contributing to the Momma Playdates, please complete the form below:

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