BIC South Africa has amazing #BICStayInspired, connecting through creativity, creative printables on their website and I must say, they have been awesome time fillers for between lessons when I’m busy helping one of the other children. They have also been great boredom busters for the girls between their Zoom dance classes!
The girls received a surprise #BICStayInspired parcel earlier this week and have had an absolute blast pulling out their BIC crafting stationery and letting the creative juices flow.
We haven’t seen my folks since just before lockdown and we are all missing them terribly. Fifi and Pixie decided to make some surprise gifts for Oupi and Ouma.
The Origami printables are fantastic and the girls had tons of fun folding a Tshirt (which Fifi turned into a Father’s day card) and flower for Ouma from Fifi.

©Monsters Ed
The girls also coloured in pictures for each of the grandparents, which turned out beautifully!

©Monsters Ed

©Monsters Ed
There are so many different activities to choose from, that you can keep your child, or children, busy for ages.

©Monsters Ed
Connecting Through Creativity
The Importance of Creativity in Children During Lockdown
Life under lockdown has been tough on everyone, particularly parents. Balancing work life and family time has always been a point of contention among working parents. And now that kids have been learning from home, things are extra hard.
Children are struggling too – their normal weekday routines are gone and there is limited contact with their classmates and teachers. What’s more, these changes to the structure of daily life can have a significant impact on young minds. Luckily, initiatives like the #BICStayInspired campaign have been created to inspire your little ones during this uncertain and confusing time.
Link between creativity and well-being
There have been multiple studies conducted to show that creativity and well-being are positively linked. Psychologist Bernice Castle agrees, saying that art and creativity help the development of children in various ways. “Art can be a powerful tool among children and adults alike. If children engage in hands-on art activities, they learn much better in all disciplines.”
Castle continues, “Art helps children apply their gross and fine motor skills to something meaningful and tap into their problem-solving skills through visual cognitive responses. Art has been proven to stimulate imagination, improve observation skills, boost self-esteem, provide a sense of accomplishment and reduce stress.
“Finally, art creates opportunities for them to communicate how they see and experience the world and allows them to give expression to their feelings about the situations they encounter in their daily lives,” she concludes.
Getting creative together
The need to keep kids engaged and entertained during the lockdown has left many working parents scratching their heads. Here are some ways you can tap into your kids’ creative outlets and keep them engaged in meaningful ways during these uncertain times:
Set up an art station – Dedicate a small section of your home to art projects. BIC has a wide range of high-quality stationery perfect for art projects with the kids. They’re made to last, and widely available at your favourite grocery or stationery store.
Set daily challenges – Give your kids a challenge for the day. This will help them meet daily goals and provide a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.
Keep everything – Don’t throw anything away. Display the really good art pieces and keep the rest in storage. Not only are these great keepsakes, but they show kids their work is special and deserves attention.
Find online resources – There are thousands of resources online, from blogs to Youtube tutorials and more, like the ones above. Make use of these resources to add a creative spin to things. Also see the #BICStayInspired tutorials HERE!
Get involved – Whether it’s reaching out to fellow parents or school educators or searching online, use the resources you have to get involved and stay connected.
BIC is a world leader in stationery, lighters and shavers. For more than 75 years, the Company has honored the tradition of providing high-quality, affordable products to consumers everywhere. Through this unwavering dedication, BIC has become one of the most recognized brands and is a trademark registered worldwide. Today, BIC products are sold in more than 160 countries around the world and feature iconic brands such as Cello®, Conté®, BIC FlexTM, Lucky Stationery, Made For YOUTM, Soleil®, Tipp-Ex®, Wite-Out® and more. In 2019, BIC Net Sales were 1,949.4 million euros. The Company is listed on “Euronext Paris,” is part of the SBF120 and CAC Mid 60 indexes and is recognized for its commitment to sustainable development and education. It received an A- Leadership score from CDP. For more, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube.