Adenomyosis Recovery Part 2

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OH WOW, what a week!

This week I decided that I was going to learn how to crochet. I’m using Crafty Minx’s Crochet School to get started. I hauled out my late mother in law’s crochet hooks to see what I’ve got and there are 19 different sized tiny hooks. Now to go get a bigger hook so I can actually see what I am doing in the beginning, LOL.

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I was admitted to hospital again on Tuesday night following a very high fever of 39.7°C, approximately 103°F.

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They struggled to find a viable vein because they had all collapsed due to stress, I’m terrified of needles and your body’s first response to stress is to redirect blood flow to your organs. I was poked and prodded 5 times before they called a neonate nurse to put the IV in. She got it first time.

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I was treated with 10, yes 10, bags of antibiotics! 5 bags Flagyl and 5 bags Augmentin to treat an inflamation. Within less than 48 hours the infection was gone and I was back home. The worst side effect is going to the loo almost constantly because of the amount of fluids they pumped me, LOL. At least the food was divine!

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On Saturday I had a severe case of cabin fever. I decided that I was going to go out with Steve while he went to get my pain meds at the pharmacy and the fresh fruit and veg for the week. BIG MISTAKE! Not having a cut on my stomach to remind me that a hysterectomy is actually major surgery made me forget how serious it really was. I won’t be making that mistake again. We were out for less than 45 minutes and by the time we got home I was exhausted and in quite a bit of pain. I slept for 4 hours when we got home! Sunday was even worse and I spent most of the day in bed lying down and napping. Those pain meds are strong and knock me out, lol. I won’t be able to go with Steve and Noo when they go to collect the kids from my mom next weekend because I’m clearly not ready for any type of outing and just to get to my uncle’s house, which is half way between us and my mom’s farm, in Bloemfontein is a 4-5 hour drive.

I’ve been keep myself occupied getting all the printables ready for our letter wall and I’ve decided that I’ll be incorporating colour and shape walls for Pixie too. Keep an eye out for that post, coming soon.




Previous Adenomyosis Posts:
Adenomyosis Information Page
Adenomyosis Diagnosis
Adenomyosis Recovery – Part 1

Adenomyosis Recovery Part 1

This post may contain affiliate links which help support my family. Thank you for stopping by.


I was diagnosed with Adenomyosis in the first week of October and told I needed a hysterectomy. I was terrfied, not of the surgery, but of the recovery process.

I had my surgery on October 30 and the doctor discovered that I had a tear in my intestine behind my uterus making a 45 minute procedure into 2 hours in theatre. Poor Papa Steve was beside himself with worry, poor man. The adenomyoma was also much bigger (ostrich egg instead of chicken egg size) than originally thought.

The recovery is not as bad as I had anticipated. My c-sections were much more painful. Though that being said, this was a major surgery and I’m still in constant pain. The only concern I have is that I suffer from regular fevers and only the anti-inflammatory medication is breaking them. I’m off to the doctor for my post surgery follow up on Thursday to get the full details of what was done.

Most of my day is now spent in/on bed reading or sleeping. The three little kidlets have gone to my mom on the farm for the next 2-3 weeks (depending on my recovery) while Noo prepares for his end of year exams. He has been a HUGE help to me since I got home with hospital and Papa Steve has gone back to work.

I plan on documenting my recovery on a weekly basis, so keep an eye out on Part 2.




Previous Adenomyosis Posts:
Adenomyosis Information Page
Adenomyosis Diagnosis