Freebie Friday: Music Resources

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freebie friday 2015

Music Resources

Song Books from PreKinders
 Music Resources
These printable song books can be used in the classroom while singing songs.

The children in my class use them to sing along as they “read” or sing the pages. We also use several of the “Raffi Songs to Read” books which can be purchased at

Free Music Resources from Lets Play Music
 Music Resources
Free Piano Sheet Music for Beginners (large stave with piano fingering)
Jingle Bells
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Happy Birthday (very easy – melody line split between the hands)
Happy Birthday (easy)
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Incy Wincy Spider
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
When the Saints Go Marching In
Frére Jacques (Brother John)

… and SO much more….

How to Tell the Difference Between the Rhythm & the Beat from Lets Play Music
 Music Resources
If you don’t play an instrument or haven’t had music lessons before, it can be a bit confusing to understand the difference between the rhythm and the beat in music. The beat is the steady pulse that you feel in the tune, like a clock’s tick. It’s what you would clap along to, or what you feel you want to tap your foot to. The rhythm is the actual sound of the notes, which in a song would be the same as the words.

Christmas Rhythm Game from Lets Play Music
 Music Resources
These Christmas Rhythm Game flash cards can be used in various ways according to the age and musical experience of the child. Below are some suggestions of how best to use them for three age groups from 2 yrs to 5 years+ (the ability for each age group should of course always be flexible according to each child). You don’t need any extra equipment, although some wooden tone blocks or a tambourine might come in handy – and if you need a little help with reading the music notes, take a look at Introducing The Note Family from the First Piano Lessons Series. These games work very well as accompanying activities to our Kids’ Songs For Christmas series, where you may recognise all the familiar characters!

from Imagine Our Life
Music Resources
Colored Music Note Control Cards

These cards show the position of each of the notes used in the 8 note handbell set. They are color coded to match the bells. Later I will make a new set that do not have color.

Music Symbol 3-Part Cards

This is a set of Montessori-style 3-part cards that cover basic music symbols. So far I’ve only given him a few of the cards to start getting used to seeing.

Safari Ltd. Musical Instruments Giveaway & Free Montessori Printables from Imagine Our Life
Music Resources
I have created a set of free musical instrument 3-part cards to correspond with Safari Ltd’s Musical Instruments TOOB. Because I had room for one more card on my printout, I included an oboe. I used an oboe necklace charm (and my real oboe!) for matching. You could set that card aside when doing object matching.

from Music Bumble Bees
Music Resources
Here are tons and tons of free downloadable music flashcards and sheet music

Music Worksheets for the Young Child from Opus Music Worksheets
Music Resources
Welcome to free printable music theory worksheets for younger children. These free music theory worksheets are written especially for the younger beginner and recommended for children aged 4 to 10. They include engaging graphics and fun games that makes music theory learning fun and easy. And best of all, our worksheets are always free.

from Ear Training and Improv
Music Resources
Welcome to the Ultimate Music Theory Worksheet Guide

The definitive handbook for the effective use of theory worksheets–with engaging companion activities and over 25 free printables that make learning theory fun.

Free Printable Music Theory Worksheets from Ear Training and Improv
Music Resources
Here are tons of mustic theory worksheets, all for FREE

from Nola Piano Teacher
Music Resources

Free Printable Music History and Theory Worksheets from Help Teaching
Music Resources
Music Theory encompasses a broad range of assessments for ages 5 and up. Included topics are musical instruments, chords, music notation, vocabulary, composition, and learning notes and clefs. To name a few

Music Worksheets from Music Worksheets
Music Resources

Free Recorder Sheet Music
from Making Music Fun
Music Resources
Introduction to the Recorder (3 Exercises)
Au Clair de la Lune for Recorder Solo (Three Note Song)
Hot Cross Buns for Recorder Solo (Three Note Song)
How I Love My Horsy for Recorder Solo (Four Note Song)
Jingle Bells for Recorder Solo (Five Note Song)
Ode to Joy for Recorder Solo (Five Note Song)
Old MacDonald for Recorder Solo (Five Note Song)
When the Saints Go Marching In for Recorder Solo (Five Note Song)

Amazing Grace for Recorder Solo
The B-I-B-L-E for Recorder Solo

Download Music Theory Worksheets from Fun Music Co
Music Resources
Download Your FREE Music Theory Worksheets Here

The Umbrella Song: Rainy Day Songs from Lets Play Music
Music Resources
The Umbrella Song is perfect for a rainy day, because it explores both the sounds of the rain, and has lively actions as well. Kids love the idea of splashing in puddles in their wellies and are always very keen to put their imaginary umbrellas up over their head.




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