Writing Assignment from Papa Steve

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Papa Steven Writing Assignment

Noo Grade 4

Last night Noo and Papa Steve were talking about famous scientists. Papa tasked Noo to write a paragraph on two scientists. He chose Benjamin Franklin (aka the “old dude”) and Stephen Hawking (aka the “new dude”). Very scientific, no?

Here are his paragraphs (typed exactly as they are written):

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin had 1 son and had a son who died of small pox and a daughter. Benjamin was born in January 17 1706 and died on April 17 1790. He discovered electricity and invented the lightning rod. he developed the Franklin stove which provided more heat while using less fuel than other stoves.

Stephen Hawking

Stephen was born in January 08 1942 and he is 70 years old. He lived in a clinic when he was 17 – 21 years old. He was working on black holes. He had 2 sons and 1 daughter. He won the Albert Einstein award! He whent to Rome. He suffers from a disease called ALS.

Noo was especially excited to learn that Benjamin Franklin shares a birthday with Papa Steven and was just as excited to learn that he died on Noo’s birthday, LOL. This was the first time he had done research on something he is really interested in. Where other boys want to be firemen, policemen or doctors, he has always said he wants to be a scientist.


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