Year Round Homeschooling ~ Totschool ~ Baking with Toddlers

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20151020 baking with toddlers
Baking with toddlers is always a messy, fun and yummy experience. Pixie loves working in the kitchen and cooking or baking with Momma has always been one of her most favorite activities to do with me. Click on the above image to read the full article on the Year Round Homeschooling Blog




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Year Round Homeschooling: Transitioning from Totschool to Preschool

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20150811 Transitioning from Totschool to Preschool

Transitioning from Totschool to Preschool

Pixie turned 4 on August 18th and is moving to working on only Preschool activities right now, as she is ready to make the next leap. I took a few things into consideration as she has grown and matured… To read more, click on the above image.




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Year Round Homeschooling: Hands-On Science Experiment: Rock Candy

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201507 rock candy

Click on the above image to read this month’s contribution on Year Round Homeschooling. Who doesn’t love making candy? And what better way to include something you love into a science lesson! This month we made ROCK CANDY! I found this experiment idea over at Wiki How. I tweaked it a bit to…/em>




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Year Round Homeschooling: Totschool: Tortoise Turtle Theme

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 photo 20150723 tortoise turtle theme_zps8ufpi44h.png
Pixie loves tortoises and turtles, so what better theme to put together a Tortoise Turtle Theme that she is guaranteed to love. Finding a tot pack in this theme proved impossible (at least during the time I was looking), so I took a few things I found online and printed the sheets that suited us…
Click on this image to view this month’s Totschool Contribution on year Round Homeschooling




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Year Round Homeschooling: Hands-on Science: Experiment: Lemony Invisible Ink

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One of Koko's Cub Scout badges is "Breaking the Code" and they had to decipher codes at one of their Cub days. I decided to bring a little of the code breaking fun into our science lesson with this awesome activity in SmartLab Toys Extreme Secret Formula called Lemony Invisible Ink... Click on this image to read the full article on Year Round Homeschooling!

One of Koko’s Cub Scout badges is “Breaking the Code” and they had to decipher codes at one of their Cub days. I decided to bring a little of the code breaking fun into our science lesson with this awesome activity in SmartLab Toys Extreme Secret Formula called Lemony Invisible Ink…
Click on this image to read the full article on Year Round Homeschooling!




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Year Round Homeschooling: Totschool ~ How I Plan Our Themes

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When I started homeschooling 7 years ago, I found planning totschool themes for Koko, who was just under 2 at the time, daunting to say the least. I would download tons and tons of themed printables (all free), print them out…..




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