June Theme: Transportation

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Our theme for June is Transportation. We will be working on our lapbook and the worksheets from our curriculum.

I have decided to allocate days specifically to lapbooking and spelling. I’m in the process of creating word lists based on the word lists in his Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. As soon as I have completed the lists and made the flashcards, which should be within the next few days, I’ll post the download link 😉 I have also downloaded the sight wordflashcards from Kizworld.com which we will be using in conjunction with the flashcards I’m in the process of making.

June 2009

I downloaded this calendar from Graphic Garden and labled some of the days lapbooking and spelling. I also indicated the 16th as Youth Day, a national public holiday. The gold stars indicate weekends Noo visits his father. I have not labled Wednesday’s appointment as he isn’t aware of it just yet.