This is the first time I’m taking part in this task.
So today’s task is Confessions!
1. I spend WAY to much of my free time on the computer and not enough reading the novel I got for my birthday in January. I’ve been reading “The Story of Edgar Sawtelle” since the first week of February
2. I ate an entire slab of chocolate while watching Spiderman 2 on Sunday night. OMGsh I so couldn’t sleep last night.
3. I feed Fifi on our bed during the day to get 10 minutes of peace and quite.
4. I am addicted to taking photos of my kids. I have over 10 000 photos of just the kids.
5. I am a blogaholic and have 4 blogs and 3 websites for the kids. Not to mention my facebook and myspace accounts. *yikes*
6. I would love another child, but Steven isn’t keen *Jerk* LOL.
7. I look forward to the days that my maid comes in to clean cause she baby sits in the afternoons so I can have a nap.
8. I would kill for a cup of tea, its ice cold outside and I’m to lazy to get up and make one myself.
9. I’m getting married to the man of my dreams in just 11 days. Someone pinch me, I want to make sure I’m not dreaming *Love you babe*
10. I recently discovered I was born to be a mom. I seriously can’t see myself being anything else.