Freebie Friday ~ Friendship Resources

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Friendship Resources

Creating friendship develops life skills that will increase your child’s wisdom, confidence and self-esteem. Children will learn the meaning of true friendship. They will learn that a good friend will have their best interests at heart and have their back. Someone who is not your friend will not have these qualities. [Source]

FREEBIE! Friendship Writing prompt paper from Katie Byrd on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
Hope you can use this cute and free writing prompt paper with your young students. A great theme for BTS or any time of year! Includes a page of lines for back side as well.

Friendship Cards Social Skills Prompts from Rachel Lynette on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
Some kids make friends naturally, but for others, making and keeping friends is not so easy. Studies have shown that having even one friend significantly improves a child’s emotional health and school performance. Some children may struggle to make and keep friends because they do not intuitively know how to be a good friend. Teaching these children friendship strategies may help. Use these friendship cards individually as writing prompts or in groups for discussion.

#KindnessRules : FREE Friendship Differentiated Journals (Special Education) from Breezy Special Ed on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
This Friendship Journal includes:

• Classroom sample provides a picture, title, and four simple sentence starters with three *errorless* options to finish each sentence.

• Level 1 students “Non-writers” can color in the picture, trace the title, and cut and paste symbols (with or without aide support) to complete the sentence with their thoughts.

• Level 2 students “Tracers” can color in the picture, draw their own, trace the title and sentence starters and finish the thought by circling and/or writing one of the 3 choices on their paper.

• Level 3 students “Writers” have a blank journal where they draw and color the picture on their own, copy the sentences from the classroom sample, and also complete the sentence with the choice on the classroom sample (or cover up the choices and have them complete the thoughts on their own!)

#especiallyeducation Friendship Treats
from Especially Education on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
Do you cook in the classroom? Your kids with LOVE this friendship treat recipe!

Friendship Activity – How to be a Bucket Filler (Free Download) from Rainbow Sky Creations on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
An awesome way to introduce Bucket Fillers into your classroom! Included in this pack is an explanation of what a bucket filler is, a BLM to brainstorm ways to be a bucket filler and a template for a bucket filler/compliment activity.

Ideal to use throughout the year as a friendship activity and/or to promote kindness in your classroom.


· What is a Bucket Filler
· How to be a Bucket Filler brainstorm
· Class Bucket Filler activity

No further teacher prep needed, simply print and use!

Free Kindergarten Emergency Sub Plan Friendship from The Kinder Life – Amy McDonald on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
FREE NO PREP kindergarten sub plan all about friendship! This pack is perfect for any emergency sub day or a day packed with friendship themed activities! This sub pack includes activities for reading, math, writing, social studies, and science. If in a pinch, just email this pack to a collague to print and you are set!

Teaching Friendship in the Classroom {FREE printables} from TheHappyTeacher on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
Teach students about friendship with these student activities & printables. After reading the book “Peanut Butter & Cupcake” by Terry Border, create an anchor chart about the characteristics of a good friend.

In this freebie, you’ll find two printables where students can brainstorm how to be a good friend. Additionally, there are three writing activities.

1. List 5 ways to make friends
2. Write about a time when you were a good friend. Illustrate.
3. Write about a time when you were NOT a good friend. How could you have been a better friend? How did you feel? How did your friend feel?

Friendship Freebie {A Wrinkled Heart} {Beginning of the Year Activity} from Khrys Greco on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
I hope you are able to use this fun little freebie with your class. My kids had a blast with it and it was an extremely meaningful bonding activity. Thanks for downloading – please leave feedback if you are happy with the product! I appreciate you!

Free Friendship Activities Sorting Categories from Teaching Autism on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
These free friendship task cards are a great way for students to work on and understanding what makes a good friend. These will work great as part of your friendship activities. There are 13 different task includes included, providing your students with multiple opportunities to look at scenarios and decide if the scenario makes the person a good friend or not.

Your kindergarten, special education and autism students will love working on their categorizing skills with these good friend vs not goo friend sorting cards.

There are 13 different task cards included. Each task card contains an image of a scenario. Students need to decide where the scenario belongs out of the 2 categories on the bottom of the card – good friend or not good friend.

Respect, Fairness and Friendship Activities from Amber Polk on Teachers Pay Teachers
Friendship Resources
Three Activities to review and discuss respect, self-respect, fairness and friendship.

Activities Include:
Respect Comic Strip
The Fairly Fabulous Game Show
Wanted:True Friend Poster




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Free Angry Birds Printables

This post may contain affiliate links which help support my family. Thank you for stopping by.

How to Make your own Angry Birds Magnet Set from Crafts Ideas
Angry Birds is the most successful mobile application yet. Everyone just loves playing Angry Birds. I mean, what’s not to love?! You got flying birds, hungry green pigs and slingshots. The combination guarantees a ton of fun. Well, today I’m going to show you how to make your own Angry Birds Magnet Set. And, there are plenty of Angry Birds scenarios on these magnets…. your fridge can look different everyday.

Don’t Be An Angry Bird: Free Printables from The Home Teacher
Clicking on the printable book picture will take you to our site’s wiki, where you can download each of the four pages. This is not designed to be a worksheet for a child to fill out on their own. Read the book with your child, and discuss the questions on each of the page. The goal of this book is to help your child UNDERSTAND their anger and learn some appropriate strategies to DEAL with it.

More “Don’t Be An Angry Bird” Printables from The Home Teacher
To download these free files, click HERE. You will be redirected to our site’s wiki where you can download any and all anger management for kids files!

The Ultimate List of Angry Birds Learning: Over 50+ Free Printables, Crafts, Recipes, and Activities! from Free Homeschool Deals
Launch flying fun into your school day with these free Angry Birds learning resources. You’ll find over 50 educational activities including free printables, crafts, recipes, and much more. So what are you waiting for? Ready… aim… fire!

Printable Angry Birds Crafts from Learn Create Love
There are 7 pages to the printable – 6 angry birds and 1 pig.

Angry Birds Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten from Homeschool Creations
There happen to be quite a few children {and adults} in our home who l.o.v.e. Angry Birds in any form. This pack has been in my ‘to create’ pile for quite some time and it is FINALLY done. Although we won’t be using them for another week or so {and don’t worry, I’ll be sharing all the fun things we do!}, I figured that you all might like to start downloading and planning as well – right?

Angry Bird Math freebies from Talkes from a K-1 Classroom
Here are my latest math paper and pencil choices. Enjoy!

Angry Birds Invade the Speech Room from Speech Room News
Part of engaging the little guys we work with everyday, is finding things they are interested in. Most of my students love to play angry birds, so we had angry birds week in The Speech Room! It looked a little something like this…

Angry Birds Coloring Pages from Cartoon Jr
My kids LOVE the Angry Birds game. I haven’t played it yet, only because I know I’ll get addicted and never want to stop! It’s been such a huge hit on the iPad/iPhone that it’s now evolved into a game for Windows and Mac, and even the PlayStation. I hear they may even turn it into a TV show or movie! I have to say the idea of a show about angry birds just sounds too funny – I bet whatever they do with such a great idea is bound to be good.

Angry Birds Party Printables from Your Life Events
Raise your hand if you’re one of the millions of fans addicted to the Angry Birds game. What’s that? You can’t raise a hand because both are being used to launch your angry bird? Well, step away for a moment because we have some fun free Angry Birds party printables for you to download and use for your next fun and silly party.




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Friend Making Monday

This post may contain affiliate links which help support my family. Thank you for stopping by.


This is the first time I’m taking part in this task.

So today’s task is Confessions!

1. I spend WAY to much of my free time on the computer and not enough reading the novel I got for my birthday in January. I’ve been reading “The Story of Edgar Sawtelle” since the first week of February

2. I ate an entire slab of chocolate while watching Spiderman 2 on Sunday night. OMGsh I so couldn’t sleep last night.

3. I feed Fifi on our bed during the day to get 10 minutes of peace and quite.

4. I am addicted to taking photos of my kids. I have over 10 000 photos of just the kids.

5. I am a blogaholic and have 4 blogs and 3 websites for the kids. Not to mention my facebook and myspace accounts. *yikes*

6. I would love another child, but Steven isn’t keen *Jerk* LOL.

7. I look forward to the days that my maid comes in to clean cause she baby sits in the afternoons so I can have a nap.

8. I would kill for a cup of tea, its ice cold outside and I’m to lazy to get up and make one myself.

9. I’m getting married to the man of my dreams in just 11 days. Someone pinch me, I want to make sure I’m not dreaming *Love you babe*

10. I recently discovered I was born to be a mom. I seriously can’t see myself being anything else.