Clonard Home Education is a complete South African curriculum that covers all the work necessary to complete grade 1. We started using Clonard in January 2009 and we have been really happy with it. We will be using the Clonard Home Education curriculum for the foreseeable future.
I really love the fact that the curriculum comes with manuals and that there is also a book which indicates the order the workbooks, work sheets and readers need to be completed in. As a first time homeschooler, I found this incredibly useful and helpful.
The quality of the work is excellent, though we did find minor spelling errors in a couple of the readers. Noo particularly enjoyed the maths and he seems to have a very special gift for it.
I didn’t use the Clonard Home Education reading program until well into the third quarter of the year. I personally felt the need to teach reading phonetically and used the Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons reading program, which we both thoroughly enjoyed. Once we finished the “Teach your child to read” program, he flew through the Clonard Home Education graded readers faster than I initially expected.
This insert was taken directly from the Clonard Home Education website:
GRADES R, 1, 2 AND 3 (Grade “R” is the South African equivalent of Kindergarten)
This is the right place to start. Young children benefit enormously from the one-on-one attention they get from their parents in a non-threatening environment.
The CLONARD curriculum is well supported with detailed instructions on what to do.
§ The Teachers Manual in each grade tells you exactly how to teach your child to read, to write and to do number work.
§ The Parents Guide deals with a number of topics related to the development of the child.
§ Assessment is done by our teachers at the end of the course.
§ Parents fill in a daily record book documenting the child’s progress throughout the year.
§ The Grade R is combined with Grade 1 so the course is suitable for children from 5 years of age.
§ Reading is taught by the phonetic method with between 25 and 30 phonetic reading books in each of the 3 grades.
§ Registration can take place at any time during the year.
GRADES 4 to 7
These grades are very successful in the home schooling environment and we are pleased with how well parents cope with them.
§ The Teachers Manual gives instructions on the teaching of the subjects and provides a work schedule for each week.
§ Our teachers set and mark the exams and write the reports. Exams are written at mid-year and year-end.
§ Registration for Grades 4 to 7 can take place at any time in the year – pupils simply start from Week 1 and write exams after weeks 18 and 36.
§ Particular emphasis is placed on the acquisition of essential skills in English, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Science, Biology and Geography.
§ We aim to provide these children with a strong foundation for later years, rather than simply teaching facts.
§ The work in these grades is more advanced and many parents feel daunted by the task. Most parents, however, succeed very well with the aid of our material and helpline.
§ The Teachers Manual gives instructions on the teaching of the subjects and provides a work schedule for each week.
§ Our teachers set and mark the exams and write the reports. Exams are written at mid-year and year-end
§ It is not a self-study course.
§ There is a work schedule for each of the subjects.
§ Exams, set by our qualified teachers, are sent twice in the year to the parents.
§ It is advised that the Grade 8 and 9 years follow the calendar year for logistical reasons. Learners will need to enrol for Grade 10 at another institution, which must be done the beginning of the calendar year.
§ Umalusi provisional accreditation pending.
Grade 1 to 3 – Continuous assessment and assessment exams at year-end. Report and certificate issued.
Grade 4 to 8 – Continuous assessment and exams twice a year. Reports issued twice a year.
Grade 9 – Continuous assessment and exams twice a year. Portfolio of Evidence to be submitted with year-end exams for reporting.
GRADE 10 TO 12
We do not provide Grade 10, 11 and 12. Our learners have various options for these 3 grades; British International Distance College, any other FET College or a High School.
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