Introducing: Tot Boxes

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Monsters EdTot School
~Koko is 34 months old~

Because space is such an issue here, I’ve modified Carissa’s Tot Trays to suit our needs. After realising how well workboxes have worked for Noo, I decided to create Tot School Tot Boxes. I bought 5 deep containers with lids, from Westpack, for the Tiny Tag Alongs and labelled each one Monday through Friday with the labels I created.

I am a planner and like to plan activities for an entire week giving me more time with the children during the week. I’ve made two labels per box, so that they can get accustomed to removing a label as they complete a box, as Noo does when he has completed a workbox.

Each box will be filled with an activity/tot book for a specific day at the beginning of the week and stacked. During our tot school activities the Tiny Tag Alongs will be given their relevant Tot Box to work on. I’m super excited to get this started. I’ve been so badly organised where it comes to their “lessons”. At this point in time I only have Tot Boxes for Koko as Fifi is still in the play and explore phase.

Here are the Koko’s Tot Boxes
Tot Boxes

In the storage container, packed for easy access. Activities that are to big to fit in the boxes, will be put in the storage container and a note will be put in the Tot Box explaining the activity

These tot boxes can be put away under the table. It has a “tamper proof” lid for the littlies.
Storage Container

Our Tot Box lables
Koko loves Lightening McQueen, so I made him “Cars” themed tags and Fifi has a Miffy blanky that she has adored since birth, and thats why she has Miffy themed lables.


Download Tot Box Tags
Plain black and white

free glitter text and family website at