I ordered some school books and they arrived today *WOOT*
A Menagerie of Animals: Illustrated Collective Nouns of Animals – I thought this looked cute when a friend recommended it, its a lovely addition to our growing library.
The Handmade Alphabet – Noo has been asking to learn sign language, I thought this would be a good place to start
“Presents the handshape for each letter of the American manual alphabet accompanied by an object whose name begins with that letter.”
Baby and Toddler Learning Fun: 50 Interactive and Developmental Activities to Enjoy with Your Child – I’m forever running out of ideas for Koko and Fifi, I’m hoping this is going to help
“More than 50 interactive, innovative play ideas for parents to use with children from 0 to 3 years old that foster early learning, from an education expert. It’s never too early to share the joy of learning with a child! Sally Goldberg gives parents the tools to provide such rewarding experiences in an organized, fun way with this special book.”