Bumble did not show his/her bits *sigh* Doctor says he *thinks* baby is a girl, but he can’t be certain, so I mustn’t go buy any pink goodies just yet. I have a feeling this baby is going to make us wait till the delivery before we’ll know, LOL.
Bumble’s stats: Baby is measuring 23 weeks 6 days, I’m 21 weeks 6 days, so 2 weeks ahead. Baby weighs 487g and is 18.11cm long. Heart beat was 132bpm.
On the bright side, I am no longer on the high risk list!!! My placenta has moved and is sitting where its supposed to be, its no longer anywhere near my cervix!!!! I also booked my bed today and my 4D scan. My next appointment is on 10 June and my 4D is booked for 8 July at 9 *Happy Dance*