Giveaway ~ Johannesburg #MeetUp with Meg Faure

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meg faure
Many, many, years ago, I was fortunate enough to go to the very first Baby Sense Seminar held by Meg Faure. I was then lucky enough to go to her Toddler Sense seminar. It changed the way I saw parenting and child stimulation and has guided me through many parenting panics.
meg faure
This year I have been invited to attend the Meet up with Meg and I’m thrilled to announce that, in celebration of our first collaboration, Monsters Ed and Meg Faure are giving away 2 Tickets to the #MeetUp with Meg Faure is taking place on Saturday, 29 September 2018 at the Kyalami International Convention Centre!
meg faure
Expect fast-paced, entertaining talks by leading childcare experts, guest appearances by celebrity parents, and opportunities to engage with top baby brands.
meg faure
The event offers a full day of entertaining and educational talks divided into four themes:

08:45 Pregnancy Sense sponsored by Medela
11:00 Baby Sense sponsored by Colief
13:30 Parent Sense sponsored by Old Mutual
15:20 Sleep Sense sponsored by Floradix

Limited Early Bird Tickets Available HERE

The #MeetUp with Meg Faure ticket includes entry to all 4 #MeetUp sessions and access to The Baby Show Expo on Saturday.

The tickets to the #MeetUp with Meg Faure include:

* access to a full day of entertaining and educational talks divided into four themes: Pregnancy Sense presented by Medela, Baby Sense by Colief, Parenting Sense by Old Mutual and Sleep Sense by Floradix. Each theme will see parenting experts, medical specialists and celebrities present 15-minute thought-leadership talks providing a unique experience for new and expectant mothers, parents, grandparents and caregivers.
* access to the Baby Show which is set to deliver a unique family-friendly shopping and advice experience, featuring 1000s of products and 100s of brands,
* each attendee to the #MeetUp with Meg Faure receives an awesome goodie bag and the chance to win fantastic prizes, including a Babies R Us Gift Registry worth R35 000!


a Rafflecopter giveaway




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Baby Bumble Update

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27 weeks 2 days
We got a really nice shot of her face during our ultra sound on Friday morning.

Last week Thursday I was admitted to hospital for premature labour (I was 27 weeks 1 day pregnant). I had been experiencing cramps the whole day, but thought they were Braxton Hicks (my BH have always been slightly painful, but these were different). Fifi and I had gone shopping to get Bumble some premature clothing. Koko and Fifi were both small babies and I wanted to get at least 1 or 2 outfits for her to wear home in case she was tiny like the younger siblings. When Papa Steve came to fetch us, I don’t drive, I started cramping and walking made them much worse, but when we got home, I got into bed and tried to “sleep it off”. That night I called the hospital Labour and Delivery Ward to confirm that it was just Braxton Hicks and they suggested I go in to be monitored just in case. Good thing I took their advice. My father-in-law came to watch the kidlets and off we went.

When we got to the hospital I was monitored and wasn’t having contractions, but was in extreme pain. My belly was tender to the touch and my doctor decided to keep me over night. I got a Pethadine and Atterax shot, which burns to high Heaven btw, and Papa Steve went home and I went to sleep. I didn’t sleep well that night as around 2 the pain woke me up.

The following morning my doctor came to see me and decided I needed an ultrasound, so off I went to his rooms. It was to painful to sit so they shuffled me right through to his examination room so I could sit. Bumble is doing very well, she is growing and healthy but she is laying on my previous c-sec scar causing my cervix to start to thin which is irritating my uterus. I was put onto Utrogestan (progesterone), Venteze (muscle relaxant also used by asthmatics) to help relax the uterus and an antibiotic (penicillin) as my white blood cells were a little high and they suspected an infection. By Sunday the uterus medications weren’t working and I was then put onto a Ventolin (another brand for Venteze) IV to speed up the process. By Monday morning I was in no more pain and my belly was no longer tender to the touch.

The doctor was happy with my progress but warned to take it easy and to stay on bed rest till my next appointment on July 15th.

We are very grateful that Baby Bumble is healthy and growing. Now if only I can shake the cold I caught while I was in hospital, LOL, good thing I’m on antibiotics already.


Baby Bumbles Baby Shower *UPDATED*

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I had my baby shower on Saturday and spent the morning with a wonderful group of friends and family. Baby Bumble (who’s gender is still unknown) got spoilt rotten. I am truly blessed to have this group of women in my life.

Thanks again for everyone who made the day so special ♥♥♥

Here are a few pics of the gifts we received.


*Updated on 7 June 2011 with new pics of gifts we received after the baby shower*

Baby Bumble Update – Appointment dated 10 May 2011

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Bumble did not show his/her bits *sigh* Doctor says he *thinks* baby is a girl, but he can’t be certain, so I mustn’t go buy any pink goodies just yet. I have a feeling this baby is going to make us wait till the delivery before we’ll know, LOL.

Bumble’s stats: Baby is measuring 23 weeks 6 days, I’m 21 weeks 6 days, so 2 weeks ahead. Baby weighs 487g and is 18.11cm long. Heart beat was 132bpm.

On the bright side, I am no longer on the high risk list!!! My placenta has moved and is sitting where its supposed to be, its no longer anywhere near my cervix!!!! I also booked my bed today and my 4D scan. My next appointment is on 10 June and my 4D is booked for 8 July at 9 *Happy Dance*


And I’m back after a long blogging siesta

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After taking an extended break from blogging I’m back with allot of news.

Firstly, I’m pregnant. We found out in early January, Baby Bumble is due on September 14th, but will be born via c-sec probably on August 30th. I have Grade 4 placenta previa, so I’m on bedrest for the duration of my pregnancy. I must say, the bed rest is going better than I expected. I get more rest the days when no-one is here to help me than I do on the days when someone is here, go figure.

Secondly, Noo started Grade 3 in January and is doing really well. We are still using the Clonard Curriculum. He started reading the Beast Quest series and has finished the first book Ferno the Fire Dragon and now we are anxiously awaiting the second book, Sepron the Sea Serpent. I’ve decided that I will be ordering 3 books at a time to make sure the next one is here as he finishes a book in the series, LOL.
Here he is with his first science book completion certificate. He is so proud of himself ♥

Koko has officially started a preschool program, I’ll post more on that a little later. I’ve pooled a whole lot of resources from all over, including the bulk of which is from the 1+1+1=1 Raising Rock Stars Preschool program. The PowerPoint Presentations have made a huge difference in our school day. But more on that in a post yet to come.
“Driving” Daddy’s car before it was taken to the dealership and traded for a bigger car, Renault Grand Scenic, to make space for Baby Bumble ♥

Fifi celebrated her second birthday on February 4th, she is crazy about monkeys and I decided that was the theme we were going to go with, she loved it. She is also fully day time potty trained. She has grown into such a beautiful little girl ♥
The Birthday Girl on her birthday ♥ She had a few friends come over for cake and snacks and got spoilt rotten.
Fifi got the My Pal Violet from Leapfrog. She LOVES her puppy. She won’t sleep without her ♥♥♥
I couldn’t find a monkey themed top for her, so I painted a Monkey’s face on one of her T’s with glitter glue, unfortunately, it washed out, but it was so cute!
A very good friend made her cake (she makes all the children’s birthday cakes), isn’t it gorgeous ♥
Another friend made her cupcakes ♥


Pregnancy Update

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I started having contractions on Thursday night and MAN were they sore and by the time we got to the hospital they were 8 minutes apart (we live 23km from the hospital where Fifi will be born and where Noo had his surgeries).  They stopped the contractions by Friday morning.  I had to go onto a ventolin (sp?) drip and got a pethidine and atterax shot (which burns like acid) to help me sleep.  Needless to say, I didn’t sleep well at all, I had a woman in labour next to me and I swear she was screaming through every contraction (she was still in labour when I left at 11 on Friday morning).

Anywho.  This morning I went to see my gynae at his rooms for a scan and Madam is doing very well, so well in fact that she is weighing in at 2.69kgs and is measuring in at 37.4weeks (I was 34 weeks at that appointment).  Koko weighed 2.63kgs at birth (36 weeks). The doc said she is going to be one big baba, by the time my EDD arrives.  I tried to push for a VBAC, but he said he wasn’t going to risk it with a possible 3.9kg baby.  So we set the c-sec date for 4 Feb.  He said that most of the pain I experienced yesterday was Fifi trying to move and stretch and that I’m in for an extremely uncomfortable ride the next 3 weeks.  I’m now on weekly appointments, so I’ll update here more regularly.