Trip to the ER thanks to Hirschprung’s Disease

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On Tuesday, 25 Sept, Noo spent most of the day complaining about a sever stomach ache that got progressively worse during the day. He was unable to pass any gas or stool and none of the usualy remedies helped. I eventually called his surgeon, Professor Peter Beale, to find out what we should do. He suggested we go to Morningside Mediclinic emergency room and have him looked at.

This picture was taken while we were waiting for Dr Shembe for his consultation. He was in allot of pain, but trying to be brave. The pain was so bad that it hurt to sit. It was awful watching him go through it.

He had a blockage at the end of the small intestine where it was connected to the pouch Prof “built” for him when he had his pull through operation 9.5 years ago. His sphincter was also constricted. The x-rays showed that he had a gas bubble the size of my fist in the upper left side, just below the rib cage which was causing the intense pain because it couldn’t move down. Fortunately the washout (ie enema) was successful and we were discharged 5.5 hours after arriving at the hospital. We got home just after 2am. He has had no further discomfort or pain since 🙂

After the washout. The relief on his face is evident.

The ER was extremely busy that night. There were 2 heart attack victims, one as young as 14 and an old man who was gravely ill. It took them quite a while to discharge Noo after he had his washout. Here are a few photos of us waiting to go home.

Our cubicle, we were incredibly bored by 1am, LOL

Turning round and round on the little stool next to the bed. I was surprised that he didn’t unscrew it, LOL

At the suggestion of the ER doctor, we started doing daily washouts. He screams every time saying that it burns him, so we have stopped them until we see Prof Beale. We have an appointment on 10 October, we are going to discuss treatment and possible surgery. I will post an update as soon as I can.

This diagram was recently brought to my attention by a fellow HD mother. I had never heard of this chart before and after having a good look at it, I realised that Noo typically has type 7 stools, with the occasional type 6. I am going to discuss this with Prof Beale when we see him on the 10th.



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