~Koko is 6 years, 3 months old~
~Fifi is 4 years 5 months old~
~Pixie is 22 months months old~
The two middle kidlets have been taking part in Playball since early May and Pixie started mid June. They all LOVE IT and look forward to it every week. Pixie’s first class took only 10 minutes before she was done, she now lasts up to 30 minutes (with a few breaks inbetween)
We usually arrive about an hour earlier so that the kids can get some time on the play ground. We don’t have a safe park close by or a jungle gym at home, this is the next best place 🙂 The kids love the extra play time before classes start.
Pixie had fallen asleep on our way to the facility, so she missed out on this day
Koko just loves his coach, they always play a little soccer before classes officially start. Fifi’s usual coach was ill on this particular day, so his brother, Fred, took over form him this day.
Because Pixie was sleeping, I didn’t take any photos of her class. I’ll be sure to bring the camera along again next time.
I HIGHLY recommend this extra mural for anyone with children between the ages of 2 – 9 years of age. Its fantastic! Pixie can now jump with both feet off the ground, throw a ball fairly accurately and hit a ball hung from a string twice in a row/
If you are interested in joining the Honeydew Playball Group, contact Roxanne on the details below. The first lesson is FREE!!!
I am not remunerated in any way, shape or form by Honeydew Playball, or anyone else, for posting this short advertorial