Hearts of the Home Blog Hop #9

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1. Most Clicked: Word Study Lesson: Spelling short and long a words (a-consonant-e) (The Measured Mom)

2. Free Monster Pack! (3 Dinosaurs)

3. Big and Little Worksheet: Monsters University Printables (Crystal & Co.)

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4. Egg Carton Sea Life Recycled Craft (Fantastic Fun and Learning)

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5. Printable Letter Formation Practice, Kids’ Names (Teacher@Home)

Don’t forget to enter our Blucy Giveaway, the giveaway ends midnight tomorrow!!!



Welcome! Please make sure to link directly to your post (not your main blog page) so we can find the fabulous post you want to share. Each week we will select someone’s blog link up that our readers “clicked” with the most and share some of my favorite posts that were linked up! Thank you!

Hearts for Home Blog Hop
<div align="center"><a href="http://monstersed.wordpress.com/category/hearts-for-the-home-blog-hop/" title="Hearts for Home Blog Hop" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n597/enchantedhomeschoolingmom/HeartsforHomeButton125_zpsa08638de.jpg" alt="Hearts for Home Blog Hop" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Please make sure to display our Hearts for Home button on your blog post, sidebar or tabs. This button can be found on the blog hop each week. Kindly make sure to visit some of the other wonderful bloggers who have linked up here. Were you featured on our Hearts for Home Blog Hop? Congratulations! Grab a Featured button to proudly display on your blog or website.

Hearts for Home Blog Hop
<div align="center"><a href="http://monstersed.wordpress.com/category/hearts-for-the-home-blog-hop/" title="Hearts for Home Blog Hop" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n597/enchantedhomeschoolingmom/HeartsforHomeButton250_zps0bf17d36-1_zps2609e0a3-1_zps7355f539.jpg" alt="Hearts for Home Blog Hop" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

We invite everyone to get “clicking” and have some blog hopping fun!

We have created a Pinterest Board so that we can help spread the word on the blog’s that have had featured posts on our Hearts for Home Blog Hop. Make sure to stop by and check it out HERE.

The clip art for the buttons and disclosures used in this blog hop were designed by Jessica Weible & Maree True love.



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