Koko, Fifi and Pixie’s vacation ~ Week 2

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The three little kidlets are still at my mom’s (Nanna, aka Nanny). We decided to give them an extra week there so that I can have a little more time to recuperate and be in at least 80 % working order when they get home and the chaos returns. I can’t wait to hold those three in my arms again. I miss them an awful lot.

Pixie has changed so much since they left 2 weeks ago.  She no longer has a paci, sleeps through the night and doesn’t use her sippy cup during the day at all any more.  She only uses it early in the morning when she wakes up.  She has also decided that she no longer needs to be held in the pool anymore.  She is swimming with the aid of arm bands with the big kidlets and even jumps into the pool from the stairs.  I cant believe how much she has matured in this short time.  Koko and Fifi are still water babies and love their daily afternoon swims.
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Koko and Pixie were playing a memory match card game on Nanny’s iPad.  Everytime Pixie made a matching pair, he gave her a little kiss. Feel the love ♥
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November and December are Christmas Biscuit baking months here at home and the same goes for at Nanny’s. Koko and Fifi baked a ton of biscuits and Pixie was the taste tester. Pixie wasn’t interested in baking, she’s all about the dogs, or at least one dog in particular, Champ, Nanny’s Border Collie. Fifi was in her element this particular day. That girl loves to be in the kitchen.
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The girls each got new little sunhats from a friend and Nanny tried to get Pixie to pose for photos, this is the end result. Silly girl.
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On Saturday, they went to visit my dad’s baby sister. She lives an hour and a half away from my mom’s. Pixie wouldn’t look at the camera for a photo, so Aunty Christylene made her, LOL. Thankfully one of my children look like my side of the family. One out of 4 isn’t bad, LOL.
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I am eternally grateful for my mom. Taking the kids is a HUGE task in on its own, but they have all loved it. Noo leaves for a month long visit in December! We’ll only see him again on Christmas day. He gets to spend most of his summer vacation with her this year. He can’t wait to take walks on the game farm and be spoilt rotten!

We’ll be collecting the kidlets at my maternal aunt’s home 3 hours drive from here (driving to my mom’s takes 12 hours, with stops) on Saturday. I can’t wait to see them!
