PreK week in review: Letter of the Week ~ U

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Fifi still loves her weekly Letter of the Week lessons and I have found that I have had to add activities from other sources because she works so quickly and then asks for more. For this I am grateful, even though it has doubled my preparation time for her. For some inexplicable reason, I didn’t take many photos this week.

Our letter wall
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Letter U with Unifix blocks
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Letter U for Umbrella puzzle
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Do-a-Dot paint letter U. I have yet to find the do-a-dot paints in South Africa (and importing them is an extremely costly exercise), but I did come across Bingo markers a few years ago that do the trick.
Letter U photo IMG_7648_zps5d7a8095.jpg
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Umbrella sequencing
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Umbrella shape puzzles
Letter U photo IMG_7657_zps9a30181f.jpg

Umbrella graphing. She ticks the applicable number of boxes
Letter U photo IMG_7658_zps9e1b8f4a.jpg

I printed off a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree (link below in the resources) for her to mark off which letters we have done.
This goes in the front of her file. We use lowercase letter stickers.
Letter U photo IMG_7659_zpsff301c41.jpg

The Letter U collage. She used her umbrella cut and paste sheet to decorate it.
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The letter of the week – Pocket chart – Bundle (our letter wall printables)
Letter of the Week Curriculum (full download $$$)
Letter of the Week Curriuclum ~ Letter U (individual file downloads ~ free)
Additional Letter of the Week Curriculum activities (free individual file downloads)
Animal ABC’s from 1+1+1=1
Raising Rock Star Preschool from 1+1+1=1
Alphabet Printables from 1+1+1=1
Letter U worksheets from
Things that Start with U!
Beginning Sounds Coloring: Sounds Like Umpire
U Book
U is for Up! Practice Writing the Letter U
Practice Tracing the Letter U
Writing the Letter u
Get Ready for Reading: All About the Letter U
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree printable from Pre-K pages




Previous for the Letter of the Week Curriculum:
Letter A
Letter E
Letter I
Letter O

Confessions of a HomeschoolerLOTWBinder-258x300

The Letter of the Week is a full 26 week preschool course designed to give your student a head-start on preparing for kindergarten! It is a 26 week curriculum that’s full of educational activities that focus on the letter recognition, sounds, number recognition, counting, basic math skills, pre-writing practice, and all the necessary fine-motor skills that will be required for your preschooler to be ready for kindergarten! Included are weekly lesson plans that cover all the subjects a preschooler needs and more!

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