What’s in the Box Wednesday #4 ~ Pixie’s Tot Trays & Baskets

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~Pixie is 37 months old~

I have tweaked Pixie’s Tot Trays and the way they are stored for her. I have added 4 little baskets for the small activities and her Tot Packs. She loved them on Monday when she saw what I had prepared for her. I wish I had the camera at the ready when she saw everything set out like this for her. She also received her first “official” workbook for school and has absolutely fallen in love with it. I’ve limited her to 2 pages a day so it lasts a little longer. I purchased this basket set last weekend and they are perfect.

So without further ado, here is Pixie’s new Tot Tray and Basket setup

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Basket 1

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I downloaded this Cinderella tot book from One Little, Two Little when Fifi was still a Totschooler and Pixie loves it. She goes through the basket regularly during the day. I have the whole pack stored in here for her, just like the Nemo tot pack below.

Basket 2

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Pompom fine motor skill activity. I found this great activity on Pinterest. For this particular activity I’ve cut holes into the lid of an empty Pilsbury Frosting container for the bigger sized pompoms. I have another pompom fine motor skill activity using a feta container and 14mm pompoms.

Basket 3

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I downloaded this Nemo tot pack from 1+1+1=1 when Koko was still a Totschooler and Pixie loves it. She goes through the basket regularly during the day. I have the whole pack stored in here for her.

Tray 4

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Dot Marker with an activity sheet. This may be her favourite art activity to date. She loves these. The dot marker set I bought came with activity sheets and she is steadily ploughing through them.

Basket 5

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She got these Melissa & Doug Lace and Trace Pets for her birthday from a good friend and spends hours lacing and unlacing them. These are a GREAT gift idea.

Tray 6

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Pixie’s first “official” school workbook, Smart-Kids I am three. She loves this book. It was well worth the cost.

Tray 7

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This is another home made toy I made for her. I went to the hardware store and got some paint chip strips in different colour shades. I then took 4 pompoms in each colour to match the paint chip strips. I glued the paint chips to a sheet of paper and laminated it to for durability. She loves playing with this tray at night during calm down time before bed.

Basket 8

In the large pink basket, I store all our little wooden trays like the one used for tray 4.


All workbox posts on Monsters Ed
All Tot Tray posts on Monsters Ed
Sue Patrick’s Workbox System
Workboxes on 1+1+1=1. This is where I got our inspiration back in the day for Noo.
Preschool Work Trays
Tot Tray Ideas for Tot School from 1+1+1=1

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