Mommy Burn Out ~ What are the main contributors to Mommy Burn out

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Shawn over at Abundant Mama wrote this great post about the contributors to mommy burn out. She listed the following 20 Bad Habits That Contribute To Mom Burnout:
1.Checking your email every time it pops into your inbox.
2.Cleaning everything all day.
3.Worrying about things you cannot control.
4.Reading your Facebook feed when bored or tired.
5.Not getting enough sleep.
6.Waking up too late. {I tend to get back into bed once Hubby and Noo leave in the morning and wake up later than I plan to, often}
7.Filling your calendar with too much to-dos.
8.Expecting too much from a single day.
9.Juggling multiple things at once.
10.Forgetting to do the important things first.
11.Waking up and checking email first.
12.Going to bed with your phone or other device.
13.Sitting all day at the computer. {Not the computer, but I’m never without my phone}
14.Looking at a device more than those you love.
15.Putting off little things for so long they add up to become big things.
16.Forget to schedule time for relaxing and fun.
17.Rushing through every single moment.
18.Not really listening to those around you.
19.Saying yes to everyone but yourself.
20.Not knowing how to say no with grace.

I have highlighted the bad habits I’m guilty of. 17,5 out of 20 is awful *sob* I’m tired, moody and agitated all the time and I just put it to not having time to myself. Looking at this list has opened my eyes. Its time to make the change. My kids have a schedule and its time for me to schedule my day so I can be constructive, instead of destructive. After this series is complete, I’ll post my new schedule and how its working for me and my family.


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I am writing this as someone who is/has battled with this topic. These symptoms mirror those of depression. In depression these symptoms would be magnified and extended. I highly suggest visiting your doctor if these symptoms persist after taking the steps laid out in this series.

Reference articles:
signs of mommy burnout and tips to help you avoid it from Steady Mom
5 Stages of Mommy Burnout from Powerful Mothering
3 Ways to Avoid Mommy Burnout from Huff Post Parents
Mothering Burnout: What it is. What you Can Do from Safe Motherhood
Are You a Burned-Out Mom? from Mom’s being well
20 Bad Habits That Contribute To Mom Burnout from Abundant Mama
Baby Blues: ‘Me Time’ Isn’t The Mommy Burnout Cure-All I Thought It Would Be from Mommyish
10 Ways to Achieve Mommy Burnout from Power of Moms
Maxed Out Parents: 5 Strategies to Ease Burnout from Psychology Today

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