Lifebuoy vs Winter

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Lifebuoy vs winter
When I received the press drop from Lifebuoy and read their Lifebuoy vs Winter campaign, I immediately thought of my dad. Strange thing, don’t you think?

Me, Dad and Brian in the early 1990's at St Michaels-on-Sea in the KZN South Coast

Me, Dad and Brian in the early 1990’s at St Michaels-on-Sea in the KZN South Coast

When I was little, my father worked on the gold mines in the Free State Goldfields. He didn’t work underground, but due to the nature of his work (he’s an artisan), he had to take a shower before he came home and the mine provided the Lifebuoy soap bars to all their employees. It’s a brand and scent that I have always connected to my dad’s time on the mines.
Aunty Triena, Me, Brendan and Dad at my Matric Farewell (Snr Prom) in 1999. (Dad dressed to match my dress)

Aunty Triena, Me, Brendan and Dad at my Matric Farewell (Snr Prom) in 1999. (Dad dressed to match my dress)

Isn’t it amazing how one brand and scent, in this case Lifebuoy, can bring back those long forgotten memories?

Prevention is better than cure this winter

As the weather gets colder and we spend more time indoors to keep warm, it is inevitable that most of us will catch a cough, cold or flu as germs are spread more easily during this time.
lifebuoy vs winter
With the cold and flu season upon us, it is imperative to give your immune system a boost, whilst adequately protecting yourself from sources of cross-infection. According to the Centres for Disease Control, the single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year (Source), however good health habits can also help stop the spread of germs and illnesses.

Most of the common winter viruses are carried in the air and transmitted when someone sneezes and coughs or by touching infected surfaces, thus spreading the virus. Source

Lifebuoy, the world’s number one selling germ protection soap brand, has a few simple tips to help prevent the spread of infections and germs this winter:
1. Don’t get too close
2. Wash hands frequently
3. Nourish your skin
4. Stay hydrated
5. Clever coughing
6. Get enough zzzz

Just by implementing these simple measures, one can make a big difference that will help protect you, your family and those around you throughout the winter season.

To find out more about the Lifebuoy, or tips on how to implement a healthy hand wash routine, visit the Lifebuoy website and Facebook page.




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