Freebie Friday ~ Grade 1 Resources

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Grade 1 Resources

In this series of Freebie Friday Posts, I’m sharing Grade specific freebies. I often see posts online asking for grade specific printables and resources. This week we are focusing on Grade Grade 1 resources.

First Grade Math Worksheets from 123 Homeschool 4 Me
Grade 1 Resources
Help your 1st grader get extra math practice with our no prep, FREE First Grade Math Worksheets! Plus instructions for how to turn math worksheets into a math game – MAD MINUTES!

Mad minutes can be done timed or untimed. These are great for adding some extra practice.

basic addition
0-20 addition
basic subtraction
subtraction 0-20
combined subtraction & addition worksheets

Open Court Imagine It! Spelling Words for 1st Grade from Sailing Through 1st Grade
Grade 1 Resources
I have had several followers ask for a list of all of the Open Court Imagine It! 1st grade spelling words for the year. Unfortunately, I don’t have the entire year compiled in one file (at least not yet). However I do have a list for the first 6 units which I developed based on the Open Court curriculum, since the program does not begin spelling lists/test until unit 7. So, for those of you who have been asking, and for those that would find it useful…

6 Tips for Teaching First Grade Writing from First Grade Centers and More
Grade 1 Resources
First graders LOVE to share their work! It is very time consuming, but also very motivating to students. You do not have to have every student share in front of the entire class, or do you need to share every project. You can have students share in small groups of three to four (I usually use their table group), partner share, or have a rotation schedule for students to share in front of the class. One fun strategy is “Inside/Outside Circle”-Divide the class into two groups, one group makes a circle with everyone facing out, the second group forms a circle around that group, facing in. Now you have students paired up facing each other. Give students 3 minutes to share, then have the outside circle rotate to the left, and students have a new partner to share with. Students can rotate 3-4 times.

FREE K-1 SUBTRACTION WORKSHEETS (instant download) from Mama’s Learning Corner
Grade 1 Resources
In this 4-page set of subtraction worksheets, your young learner can practice subtraction facts with a few different activities.

→ Take Away! – Use picture clues to determine differences
→ True or False? – Determine if each equation is correct; then glue in the correct column
→ Missing Numbers – Cut and paste the correct addend to make the equation correct
→ Sort It! – Draw a line to match the correct equation to the bucket

Reading Freebies! from Michelle Oakes Fabulous in First
Grade 1 Resources
A day in my life as a first grade teacher and my day now as a reading specialist are a lot different. But the one thing that hasn’t changed is I still love to have fun. It’s a lot harder to fit in the big fun I used to, because my intervention time is limited. This has been one of the toughest changes for me. Between 8:15 and 11:00 I take a group 2 groups of kinders, a group of firsties, second graders and third graders. Talk about craziness! We have lots to cover during our group time as well. I try to review their sight words, phonics, we do guided reading, and comprehension. So I’ve created a bunch of activities that we’ll be using this week with some of my groups. I thought I’d share them with you.

First Grade Language Arts Practice No Prep Worksheet Workbook 150+ Page Free Printable from Miniature Masterminds
Grade 1 Resources
Some of these would work with your kindergartners but some would be a little advanced. You know best what your child can and can’t do. This is more aimed at First Graders. I do have a first grader this year (pray for me) and I wanted to make something for her to work on while I’m helping her brother and sister.

Sight Words Fun in First Grade FREEBIE (B&W and Color) from Ready to Teach Bilinguals on Teachers Pay Teachers
Grade 1 Resources
Sight words are important in the process of children’s learning . Words need to be read and written so I try to make these worksheets to practice sight words in the class or at home.

You are able to choose a sight word of the day and deliver the printable sheets for every class or you can deliver different sheets so that students can have different sight word sheets. For the last alternative, I decided to make a single record sheet so that you can record the students with their corresponding sight word sheets(only for big sets).

4 simple tasks are involved in every sight word sheet. First of all, after writing names, students have to read the sight word. At the second activity, they have to handwrite the word.Then, the kids have to write the first and the last letter of it and finally, they have to color the word by codes.

These sheets come in both black and white and colored versions.

Sight words fun is an effective way of teaching Language in the class and a great motivational resource for the children to have fun and learn new words.

My Book of Tenths Hands-On Decimal Activity from Mitchell MATH Activities on Teachers Pay Teachers
Grade 1 Resources
A 12-page cut and paste mini-book for decimals. The decimal tenths from 0.1 to 1.0 are represented. Each specific decimal has a separate page that requires cutting, pasting, and writing answers by hand. A title page and a definition page that shows a Place Value chart are also included.

Each decimal tenth page of the mini-book includes the following:
Word Name Form
Fraction Form
Decimal Form
An Illustration
Placement on a Number Line
Two Inequality Statements

FREE First Grade Math and Literacy Printables from Kaitlynn Albani on Teachers Pay Teachers
Grade 1 Resources

This free packet includes 1-2 pages from each monthly pack in my store. If you already own that month or the bundle, you will already have access to these pages!

Stupendous Story Elements from Lyndsey Kuster on Teachers Pay Teachers
Grade 1 Resources
Grab this 34 page FREE packet to use when teaching story elements (character, setting, problem and solution) in your classroom. Many of the worksheets/graphic organizers can be used for any text.




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