Hearts for Home Blog Hop #122

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The Hearts for Home Blog Hop is a weekly blog hop that begins every Thursday morning. The theme of this blog hop is showing that our hearts are for our homes. Post topics include: homeschooling, marriage, parenting, homemaking, faith, budgeting, crafts, DIY projects and more! We would love to see you link up your posts. We feature the most popular post and a few of our favorites every week! Will you be one of the next Featured Bloggers?

Not a blogger? That’s okay! This blog hop will be your one stop location to finding ideas and inspiration for fulfilling your role as a wife, mother and follower of Christ. We are so glad you have stopped by!

Meet my cohosts here!

Featured blogger with the most clicks last week ~ 5 Reasons Children’s Bible Stories are Dangerous (Journey of the Word)
Hearts for Home





Welcome! Please make sure to link directly to your post (not your main blog page) so we can find the fabulous post you want to share. Each week we will select someone’s blog link up that our readers “clicked” with the most and share some of my favorite posts that were linked up! Thank you!

Hearts for Home @ Monsters Ed Homeschooling Academy


Please make sure to display our Hearts for Home button on your blog post, sidebar or tabs. This button can be found on the blog hop each week. Kindly make sure to visit some of the other wonderful bloggers who have linked up here. Were you featured on our Hearts for Home Blog Hop? Congratulations! Grab a Featured button to proudly display on your blog or website.

Hearts for Home @ Monsters Ed Homeschooling Academy


We invite everyone to get “clicking” and have some blog hopping fun!

We have created a Pinterest Board so that we can help spread the word on the blog’s that have had featured posts on our Hearts for Home Blog Hop. Make sure to stop by and check it out HERE.

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New Bible Study Books

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Cum Books once again had some books on sale this weekend, I was fortunate enough to pick up two books for less than R20 ($3) yesterday.

CREATION IS !WOW! (Publisher)


We will start working on the CREATION IS !WOW! book in September as part of our “Spring has Sprung” celebration. CREATION IS !WOW! has 30 lessons in it, so it should last us a little over a month to complete, the JESUS, JOSEPH AND YOU will follow.


Other books we have in the !WOW! series:

Books in in the !WOW! series on back order:

Other Bible story books in our bookshelf

Other Bible story books on back order

Raising Rock Stars ~ Prayer is Wow

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~Noo is in Grade 2~

A little while ago, I posted about Bible study material I bought at a sale. We’ve worked on the “You are WOW” Bible Study Book and will now be starting the “Prayer is WOW” Bible Study Book.

Our Religious study theme for the 1st Term is “Prayer” and once we have completed the “Prayer is WOW” book, we’ll be learning the “Lords Prayer”. I created a poster for Noo to keep in his Raising Rock Stars file. My wonderful online buddy Rhonda, from Alston Academy, directed me to this wonderful section on DLTK with activities for the Lord’s Prayer. We will definitely be incorporating those in our Lord’s Prayer lessons at the end of the quarter.

The Lord’s Prayer

To download our Lord’s Prayer Poster, please click here.

To get the full explination on what a “Rock Star” is, please click here.

What God wants for Christmas – Day 1

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I bought the What God wants for Christmas nativity set recently from Family Life. This kid-friendly, interactive nativity – with seven gift boxes, a colourful pop-up, and an illustrated poem – contains a surprise ending that will open a child’s heart to Jesus.

We started reading Day 1 today and will read and open the next 6 boxes every evening till we’ve “built” up the whole nativity. Noo is not impressed that I’m making him wait, he is not a very patient child, LOL.

Day one: Gabriel

Bible Study

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I downloaded and printed a Bible Timeline a little while ago. We are going to start following this timeline once Noo has completed his You are WOW Bible study book.


I have also been fortunate to be a subscriber of Carisa’s 1+1+1=1 blog and she has started the Raising Rock Stars, “The 2 words came from 2 amazing Bible verses which we believe should guide the way we train up our children to follow Jesus.


I will be making a more in depth post about our bible study and Rock Star “status” within the next few weeks.

Bible Study Material, Finally

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I’ve been searching for Bible Study material for Noo for ages and I finally found some on Saturday at CUM Books.

I’ve bought the Discover and Experience Bible Study series by Penny Elliot (Christian Art Kids). Two of the books were on Sale for R20, which I took and then they have another 25% off on Oct 31st, so I’ll go back and get the rest (there are 6 books in total)


These are the books I took:

You are WOW, discover how special you are (30 lessons)
Praying is WOW, a bible study for youngsters (38 lessons)

I’m very excited to get started with these. I really hope Noo enjoys them too.