~Koko is 35 months old~
I am in the process of reorganising our Tot School. I have found that Koko isn’t being stimulated enough and, with the help from my friend who owns Edukits, I am busy setting up a new schedule for him which Fifi can also participate in.

I am also in the process of tweaking our totboxes. I have come to realise that Koko is ready for more intensive work and have done away with our 1 box per day. He will now have 5 boxes to complete during our totschool time in the mornings. This works out very well, as that is the time Noo works independently.

Structured Free Play, this is something I had never thought of before. Koko can keep himself busy, provided that there is something he is interested in. I plan on setting up his morning structured play activities while the children are eating eating breakfast and having their free play session before Noo starts lessons at 9.

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