Children learn best when their imaginations are activated. Castles are so much fun. Here you can find a variety of castle themed educational activities.
Castle Alphabet Mat from Lorie Duggins on Teachers Pay Teachers
Use this alphabet mat with a cookie sheet and button magnets. Use a white paint pen and write letters on the magnets. You can match capital to capital or capital to lowercase, depending on your child’s ability. Lay the magnet on the cookie sheet and match the letters.
Castles in the Sand: Math Word Problems FREEBIE from Wyckoff’s Workshop on Teachers Pay Teachers
This fun ocean-themed printable is great for reviewing addition and subtraction word problems. All the problems contain operations within 20…
Verb and Noun Sort Hopping to the Castle from Sweet Seconds on Teachers Pay Teachers
The noun and verb game sort is an excellent way to allow your students to practice identifying nouns and verbs. I have found that students can get nouns and verbs confused when they are not learning specifically about them. For example, I was teaching about subject-verb agreement and all of sudden there was confusion identifying nouns and verbs. I find this a useful tool for literacy work station time. Of course, the springtime theme is an added bonus with a little bit of Valentine flair!
Castle Contractions Independent Worksheet from Melissa Hodson on Teachers Pay Teachers
This read, cut and past independent worksheet is great for the practice or review of contractions that are formed with is or not.
Surface Area & Volume – Unit 11: Surface Area and Volume of a Castle FREEBIE! from Secondary Math Shop on Teachers Pay Teachers
Surface Area & Volume – Surface Area & Volume – Unit 11: Surface Area and Volume of a Castle FREEBIE!
This is the FREE Composite Three-Dimensional Figure Activity for a High School Geometry Class.
In it students are given a “sand castle” like drawing that is composed of prisms, cones, cylinders, pyramids and a hemisphere. The figures share bases and other dimensions that students need to take into account when calculating the surface area and volume of it. A few of the pieces also require the use of the Pythagorean Theorem to find the missing height.
In addition to a one page answer key, I have also included a multi-page document that breaks the picture into smaller parts and calculates their surface area and volume!
Perfect for an assessment, extra credit, review, substitute work or so many other uses. I love using it as a collaborative formative assessment! Enjoy
FREE Five Little Sand Castles Summer Poem Finger Play for Preschool from Lisa Markle Sparkles Clipart and Preschool Fun on Teachers Pay Teachers
Enjoy this summer freebie!! Add this to your collection of finger plays for your little learners. This would be a great addition to your summer or beach theme activities! Use it at circle time as whole group learning to practice rhyming and counting. Have fun!
Castle Classroom Center Activity Sets from ESL Kidz on Teachers Pay Teachers
Here is a set of some of our favorite Castle themed activity sets. These are perfect for classroom centers for the kids to learn with each other and have fun.
Middle Ages Worksheets Maze from Fun Stuff
Middle Ages Worksheets Maze.
Multiplication table by 7 for kids. from Shutterstock
Download this image now with a free trial.
Paint the castle corresponding to numbers.
Castle wordsearch from Scholastic
Find the Castle-related topic words in this wordsearch activity sheet.