This morning I went on a “Toddler Taming – Stimulating and teaching toddlers through play” course. Its held by a friend who has started her own company, called Edukits, that focusses on children from 11 months right up to 7th Grade. I was fortunate enough to attend the course for free *yay* but with everything she covers I would totally pay to go on it. As part of her course, she also gives out a 5 day stimulation kit which she puts together to suit every child’s individual needs. My kit was put together for Fifi and Koko. 2 Activities for Fifi, 1 for Fifi and Koko to share (messy play), 1 edible sorting/counting/ texture activity for Koko and an activity for Koko and Noo to do together.
This is the course outline.
Developmental Milestones?
Here she covers milestones and separation anxiety
Here she covered the different observation methods (such as child led play, guided play and play dates) as well as what we can learn from toddlers.
Learning through play
This was quite an interesting section of the course as I realised that I don’t do enough with my littlies in terms of messy play and letting them explore. This really opened my eyes as to what I can do to help them learn allot more naturally.
Taming the toddler
This was quite a big one, as I don’t necessarily agree with her discipline style, however, she did give some valid points that I will be taking into account while disciplining the children.
Here she covered communication, discipline and routine.
Creating a daily time table for your toddler
This was probably my favourite part of the course as I like structure and routine and so do my boys (Fifi is like her dad, goes with the flow).
Here she covers areas of daily focus such as the key areas that lead to school readiness and whole child development and activities.
Additional information
Other information she included was milestone charts, developmental delays and gifted toddlers and developmental advancements.
All in all I walked away feeling allot more confident about how I am approaching Koko and Fifi’s education. I would recommend this course to anyone who takes care of children, no matter what the age group.
To learn more about the Edukits courses and products, please visit the website HERE. I promise you, you won’t regret it and your children will be thrilled.