Father Time

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Noo has rubella and hasn’t been well, so today to beat the boredom blues we did a lesson on time and counting in 5 up to 60.  He made a clock today too, so we are going to use it when he has “time” lessons.  Poor fella isn’t feeling very well today, but a little learning got his spirits up.

Spring is here and other great news!!!

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Spring is here and other great news!!! We spent most of the day outside. Its great not having to worry about the cold and wind for a change. Lets pray the weather stays this way!!! Noo is doing so well, not only with his math, but with his reading. We officially started on his first reader yesterday and he is already on lesson 7 (one lesson with 4 3-4 word sentences per page). We plan on doing 6 lessons per day, but at this rate we might do a couple more 🙂

Koko eating Breakfast outside
Noo busy with a lesson
Koko sitting on his bean bag in his playpen watching Thomas the Tank Engine
The boys and their snack time picnic
Why its pointless to pay hunderds on toys, LOL. He is playing with one of the snacktime boxes

Our lesson today

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Noo’s school is closed for the day, the teachers are receiving first aid training.

Noo keeps asking me what the time is, so I thought I’d do a lesson on telling the time.  He did so well and can now tell the hourly and the half hour times.  Its quite a long lesson I downloaded from www.learningpage.com but he went through it so fast!!!  I’m so thrilled with my little man.  I had downloaded the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock from www.kizclub.com which goes so well with the lesson too.  He was on a roll today!!!

We also started with the letter “K” today. He went through his worksheet faster than ever.

Noo is thriving

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I’m thrilled.  He sat next to me while he was writing in his “H” booklet and every time I wanted to help him he said no.  How awesome is that!!!  He still needs help sounding out words, but otherwise he is doing extremely well!!!


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