Montessori Madness ~ Valentine’s Day Preschool Trays

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Wow, its been quite some time since I’ve written of our Montessori adventures! Here is a sneak peak of Pixie’s Valentine’s Day Preschool TraysPreschool Trays this week.

I printed off two Preschool Packs from Over the Big Moon and A Teaching Mommy

I printed all the pages of both packs to keep Pixie occupied for the duration of the week, and possibly longer (totally dependent on her level of interest and how much work she wants to do at the time, of course) and popped into a file folder. I loved the cover of the Valentine’s day Pack from Over the Big Moon so much that I decided to use it on the cover of the file folder to make it easier for Pixie to identify. She will often grab a file folder with her previous themes and redo some of the activities.

Her trays today have the following printables available:

Valentine’s Day Spelling from Over the Big Moon. This particular activity requires Scrabble like tiles, we unfortunately don’t have any she can used (we have a collectors Scrabble set, so that’s a no go), so I just printed off two sets of the recommended tiles they suggested on the original file.

V is for Valentine Do-a-dot painting from Over the Big Moon. Pixie L.O.V.E.S. her dot painters and this page excited her to no end when she saw it come out of the printer.

What comes next worksheet from Over the Big Moon. I cut out the pictures for Pixie to glue onto the worksheet. I’ll be letting her cut them out from now on. Some scissor practice won’t hurt.

Letter Hh sorting from A Teaching Mommy. Here she sorts the capital from the lower case letters into the appropriate box.

In addition to the activities above, we’ll be using our new Spielgaben 4.0 set! (Post on all our Spielgaben fun coming soon!)

Follow us on Instagram to catch us in action during this week of L.O.V.E.




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