Freebie Friday ~ Kindergarten Nativity Pack **Limited offer**

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Last week I shared 4 new Monsters Ed Christmas Preschool Mini Packs. Today’s freebie, the Kindergarten Nativity Pack**, focuses on the Christmas Story, using characters from the birth of Jesus.

I have always pulled my Packs into lapbook style booklets to make it easier for the children to manage the activities and keeps everything centralised in one easy to store place. This also makes it easier to store in plastic sleeves for filing, or envelopes. I’ve included a video below of the lapbook I created for our little friend, Rori.

This 21 page Kindergarten Nativity pack contains the following activities:
– Complete the Pattern
– 7 Do-a-Dot Pages
– Number recognition peg activity
– Concertina Name Book
– Roll a Nativity Scene
– Colouring Page
– Colour by Number Page
– Shadow Matching

**Please note that this Nativity Pack will be free for a limited time**

To download the file, please click on the image below.




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