Today’s Lesson

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Reading Lesson Update: Noo’s reading is coming along nicely. He is already reading short sentences with very little help. His sounding out skills have improved considerably over the last few days. We will be starting on his readers soon.

This weeks Theme is FEELINGS.  We are exploring the different types of feelings.

Today we did Happy and Sad.

Clown Faces Activity: Noo was given a page with two clown faces. He was asked to count the shapes (ie: squares, rectangles, circles, semi-circles and triangles). He was then asked what the differences were in the two pictures and how he could tell that one was happy and the other sad. He was then asked to tell a story as to why each clown was happy or sad.

Noo’s Stories:
Happy Clown: The clown is happy because he is making people laugh. He threw pineapples and pumpkins into his face and that’s what makes the people laugh. The clown is happy because he made the people happy.
Sad Clown: The clown is sad because no-one is laughing at him. He doesn’t know what to do to make the people laugh.

Objective to this activity: Encouragement to think about how he feels and why he feels that way.

Noo colouring in his Happy and Sad Clown Faces

Happy face in happy colours

Sad face in sad colours

Our Feelings Wheel

Doing some writing and number work

Pregnancy Update

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I started having contractions on Thursday night and MAN were they sore and by the time we got to the hospital they were 8 minutes apart (we live 23km from the hospital where Fifi will be born and where Noo had his surgeries).  They stopped the contractions by Friday morning.  I had to go onto a ventolin (sp?) drip and got a pethidine and atterax shot (which burns like acid) to help me sleep.  Needless to say, I didn’t sleep well at all, I had a woman in labour next to me and I swear she was screaming through every contraction (she was still in labour when I left at 11 on Friday morning).

Anywho.  This morning I went to see my gynae at his rooms for a scan and Madam is doing very well, so well in fact that she is weighing in at 2.69kgs and is measuring in at 37.4weeks (I was 34 weeks at that appointment).  Koko weighed 2.63kgs at birth (36 weeks). The doc said she is going to be one big baba, by the time my EDD arrives.  I tried to push for a VBAC, but he said he wasn’t going to risk it with a possible 3.9kg baby.  So we set the c-sec date for 4 Feb.  He said that most of the pain I experienced yesterday was Fifi trying to move and stretch and that I’m in for an extremely uncomfortable ride the next 3 weeks.  I’m now on weekly appointments, so I’ll update here more regularly.