Monday Monster Printable Madness #22 – South Africa Provinces Poster Pack

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spring has sprung

South Africa is a nation rich in diversity, comprising nine distinct provinces, each with its unique characteristics, cultural heritage, and economic significance.
Monsters Ed South Africa Provinces
Limpopo, the northernmost province, shares borders with Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Named after the Limpopo River, it boasts an abundance of wildlife and cultural treasures. The capital is Polokwane, and the province has a population of approximately 5.9 million.

Moving westward, North West province is bordered by Botswana and features attractions such as Sun City and Pilanesberg National Park. Mahikeng serves as its capital, and it has a population of around 4.2 million residents.

Gauteng is the smallest province but holds the largest share of South Africa’s population. It is the country’s economic powerhouse, with Johannesburg as its capital and a population exceeding 16 million. Key sectors include financial services, logistics, and manufacturing.

Mpumalanga, meaning “Place where the sun rises,” is renowned for its stunning landscapes and wildlife, making it a major tourist destination. Its capital is Mbombela, with a population of about 4.7 million.

The Northern Cape is the largest province by area but has the smallest population share. Known for its San rock art and diamond mining, Kimberley is its capital, housing around 1.3 million people.

The Free State lies in the heart of South Africa, characterised by vast farmlands and blue skies. Bloemfontein is the capital here, with a population of approximately 2.9 million.

KwaZulu-Natal is famous for its lush subtropical coast and vibrant cultural scene. With Pietermaritzburg as its capital, it has a population of about 11.5 million.

The Western Cape, located at Africa’s south-western tip, is celebrated for its breathtaking scenery and cultural diversity. Cape Town serves as its capital and has around 7.2 million residents.

Lastly, the Eastern Cape features rugged coastlines and diverse flora. Bhisho is the capital here, with a population of approximately 6.7 million.
Together, these provinces contribute to South Africa’s rich tapestry of culture and economy, making it a fascinating destination for both locals and visitors alike.

Thank you for popping by and don’t miss next week’s introduction of our My Alphabet Book!

If you have any suggestions on printables you’d like to see, please leave a comment below.




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Freebie Friday ~ Geology Printables

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Freebie Friday ~ Geology Printables

Freebie Friday - geology printables

Fifi currently wants to be a geologist when she grows up. I just had to find some geology printables for her and found some real gems online. Here are a few of the freebies I have found online. Click on the Pinterest board at the bottom of this post to find more great resources.

Sedimentary Rocks Notebooking Pages from The Notebooking Fairy
Freebie Friday - geology printables
The thumbnails here feature three of the five different layouts. So click over to the free PDF to see them all. As usual, the notebooking set includes three different line styles for all ages.

Nature Walk Recording Pages for Emergent Readers from The Wise Owl Factory
Freebie Friday - geology printables
This post has nature walk recording pages for emergent readers. I recently walked to the beach with Sue Butter’s cute kindergarten class. They were each to collect 3 rocks for the stepping stones they were making for mother’s day. Grand Marais is a great place for finding rocks as it is on the shore of Lake Superior. This post has 2 freebies, one for a nature walk and one about rocks.

Earth Science Series: Geology FREE Printables and Resources from Homeschool Giveaways
Freebie Friday - geology printables
Geology is the study of the Earth, its processes, its materials, its history. Rocks, crystals, mountains, earthquakes, volcanoes, rivers, glaciers, landslides, and floods can all fall into the study of Geology.

Free Rocks and Minerals Packet from Free Homeschool Deals
Freebie Friday - geology printables
Download a free rock and minerals packet from the Homeschool Den at There are 26 pages of free printables with half for younger students and the other half for older students.

Rocks and Minerals Learning Activities for Kids (with Free Cards) from The Pinay Homeschooler
Freebie Friday - geology printables
The summer break gave us an opportunity to explore sciences that Mavi loved to learn but couldn’t because of school. After our trip to the Wicklow Mountains last month, he’s been asking if we could learn about rocks and minerals. He plays Minecraft so he wanted to understand the building blocks he’s using. I started making the materials last month and it was just a few weeks ago that I finished the entire set and we were able to use it together with our rock collections!

Rocks and Minerals Classified Cards from Little School House in the Suburbs
Freebie Friday - geology printables
Here are our classified cards for our rock collection: SCRIBD (and more in a second file here) or you can click on the images in this post. I got the images from sites that were selling these rocks. If they complain, then I’ll have to take them down. Also, I made some cheat sheets that describe our collection and divide them into rocks vs minerals, type of rock, type of minerals, and which ones aren’t really their own mineral anyway and are just another version of one mineral….etc.

The Three Types of Rocks– Our Activities and a Free Worksheet Packet about igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks from Homeschool Den
Freebie Friday - geology printables
The packet includes some sample example answers for each page (such as the metamorphic rock page in the collage below). This packet also includes the activities I shared below.

Free Resources Actually Make You Enjoy Teaching Rocks from Enjoy Teaching
Freebie Friday - geology printables
Enjoy teaching rocks! Free resources are everywhere. How can you curate them into a great instructional unit? First, find guest speakers. YouTube brings experts to your classroom with a click of a button. Second, locate great support materials. More stuff is popping up on the Internet every day. Now it’s time to add all of this to your favorite instructional materials. Voila! You’ll enjoy teaching rocks more than ever

All About the Rock Cycle from
Freebie Friday - geology printables
If you think volcanoes are cool, this colorful worksheet will blow your mind! Learn about the rock cycle and how volcanos are formed by reading the paragraph at the bottom of page 1. Then take a quiz with the multiple choice questions on the back.

Study of Rocks and Minerals for Kids (with FREE Cards) from The Pinay Homeschooler
Freebie Friday - geology printables
Igneous Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks

Outdoor Hour Challenge- Rock Study With Magnifying Lens from Handbook of Nature Study
Freebie Friday - geology printables
Rocks Up Close Printable Activity
Print the Rocks Up Close activity page and use it to guide a careful study of your rock. Sketch your rock carefully using colored pencils or markers.

Geologic Time Scale Lesson (notes, presentation, and activity) from The Teacher Time Saver on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
This lesson covers the following topics:
• Geologic Time Scale
• Stratigraphy
• Fossils
• Evolution
• Precambrian Era
• Cyanobacteria
• Ozone
• Paleozoic Era
• Mesozoic Era
• Cenozoic Era

Geology Unit Notes, Earth Science Information, Curriculum and Standards from Science from Murf LLC on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
These are the 16 pages of unit notes that I distribute to my students who require assistance and support staff. They chronologically follow my Geology Topics Unit that I offer on TpT.

These unit notes include the topics of…
Plate Tectonics, Evidence for Plate Tectonics, Pangea, Energy Waves, Layers of the Earth, Heat Transfer, Types of Crust, Plate Boundaries, Hot Spots, Volcanoes, Positives and Negatives of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes, Parts of a Volcano, Magma, Types of Lava, Viscosity, Earthquakes, Faults, Folds, Seismograph, Richter Scale, Seismograph, Tsunami’s, Rocks, Minerals, Crystals, Uses of Minerals, Types of Crystals, Physical Properties of Minerals, Rock Cycle, Common Igneous Rocks, Common Sedimentary Rocks, Common Metamorphic Rocks, built-in quizzes, activities, and much more.

Dynamic Earth Geology Quiz Game from Science from Murf LLC on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
This is a PowerPoint review game (167 Slides) that concludes a 600 slide lesson that I offer on TpT.

Geology Crossword Puzzle from Science from Murf LLC on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
This is a geology topics crossword with 35 clues that is one very small portion of my Geology Topics Unit. Samples to portions of my Geology Topics Unit are provided. Please view the questions and answers below. This is a word document.

Paleontology, Fossils, and Ideas in Historical Geology from Better Science Teaching on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
Are you and your students beginning a unit on geologic time or fossils? These activities will help your students understand the scale of geologic time as well as how paleontologists use fossils to learn about past animals and environments.

This file will be added to in the future. Purchasing it now will get you more lessons for free as it is updated. I am happy to incorporate suggestions if there’s something in particular you are looking for!

The current activities in the downloadable file are:

* An activity for students in understanding relative time
* An activity for students in understanding absolute time
* Paleobiology of molluscs – the lives of clams and how we know about them from fossil evidence

Geology JEOPARDY! Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and More! from BJ on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
One of a number of Earth Science JEOPARDY! games I’ve designed to follow up on cooresponding units (also available on TpT). This interactive game includes visuals along with each question to enhance undertanding, as well as sound and graphics from the game show. Custom animation changes color of each clue after it is chosen.

Geology Pictionary from MAB on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
pictionary cards to be printed double-sided for reveiw of layers of the Earth, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, minerals and rocks. Cards are set up in microsoft word for printing front to back and then cutting apart. Lamination is recomended. There are a total of 38 word cards.

Building a Geologic Timeline LITE from James Gonyo on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
The Building a Geologic Timeline presentation will introduce students to Earth’s geologic past. The intro presentation is designed to hold student’s attention while giving them a better understanding of both biological and physical events of Earth’s past.

TASK CARDS – Geologic History *FREEBIE!* from NYS Earth Science and Living Environment Regents on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - geology printables
These 16 task cards are GREAT for individual, small group, or full class review for Earth Science Regents students. These have been so helpful for my special education and ELL students!

My task cards require students to explain processes, draw diagrams, interpret pictures, graphs and diagrams, and make inferences.

Included: 16 Task Cards, Printable Answer Sheet for students and an Answer Key for teachers.

Topics addressed:
Geologic Timeline,
Relative Age,
Sequence of Events,
Radioactive Dating,
Earth Science Reference Tables.




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Freebie Friday ~ Geography Resources

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Freebie Friday - geography resources
I recently looked for geography resources that I could use as fun unit studies with the kidlets. While doing my research, I found some really great free printables from Homeschool Share that I just can’t wait to share!

If America Were a Village Lapbook created by Tristan RowLee
1Freebie Friday - geography resources
Summary: This book creates a snapshot–past, present and future–to help readers imagine America as a village of 100 people.

Ghana Unit & Lapbook from Homeschool Share
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Children Just Like Me includes the story of Aseye–a child living in Ghana

Kenya Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources

Morocco Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources

Faraway Home level 3 unit study written by Gwen Wise and printables by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Book and Lesson Themes: Ethiopia, hippopotamus, hyena, immigration, metaphor, simile, landforms,African culture, cooking, watercolors

The Day of Ahmed’s Secret from level 3 unit study written by Denise Gregson and Egypt printables by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Book and Lesson Themes: patience, responsibility, Egypt, camels, book titles, point of view, estimation

China Country Lapbook from Homeschool Share
Freebie Friday - geography resources
On this page, you will also find many lapbooks for Chinese stories.

India Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Other HSS Resources:
The Story of Little Babaji
One Grain of Rice

Japan Country Lapbook created by Ami
Freebie Friday - geography resources
There is a lapbook for studying Japanese stories on this page as well.

Philippines Lapbook from Homeschool Share
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Children Just Like Me includes the story of Edgar–a child living in the Philippines

Russia Country Lapbook from Homeschool Share
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Find more Russia printables at Homeschool Share:
Rechenka’s Eggs
Fool of the World and the Flying Ship

Vietnam Country Lapbook created by Ami
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Other HSS Resources:
Angel Child, Dragon Child

Australia Country Lapbook created by anonymous, Ami, and Molly Boulter
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Find more Australia printables at Homeschool Share:
Wombat Stew Unit & Lapbook
Marsupials Lapbook
Coral Reef Lapbook
Children Just Like Me includes the story of Rosita–a child living in Australia.

France Country Lapbook created by Ami
Freebie Friday - geography resources

Ireland Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Other HSS Resources:
St. Patrick’s Day in the Morning
The St. Patrick’s Day Shillelagh
Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland

Italy Country Lapbook from created by anonymous, Jodi Small, and Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Find more Italy printables at Homeschool Share:
Clown of God Lapbook

Spain Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Other HSS Resources:
Spain File Folder Game

Switzerland Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Other HSS Resources:
The Apple and the Arrow
The Duchess Bakes a Cake

Costa Rica Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Other HSS Resources:
The Umbrella
The Parrot Tico Tango

Guatemala Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Other HSS Resources:
Abuela’s Weave

Mexico Country Lapbook from Homeschool Share
Freebie Friday - geography resources
More unit studies from Homeschool Share
Hill of Fire by Thomas P. Lewis
Old Man and His Door by Gary Soto
Isabel’s House of Butterflies by Tony Johnston
Spanish Lapbook

Gauchada level 3 unit preapred by Celia Hartmann and Argentina printables created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Book and Lesson Themes: Argentina, cowboy, Spanish, creative writing, author inspiration, carving, silver, grasslands, moon phases

Brazil Country Lapbook from Homeschool Share
Freebie Friday - geography resources
Extend your Brazil study and learn about the Rain Forest!

Colombia Country Unit Study and Lapbook printables by Ami
Freebie Friday - geography resources

Ecuador Country Lapbook created by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources

England Country Study Lapbook lapbook by Ami Brainerd
Freebie Friday - geography resources

Amanda Bennett Oceans Lapbook
Created by Amanda Bennetts
Freebie Friday - geography resources
This lapbook was created with permission of USAB and Amanda Bennett. It was made to go with Amanda Bennetts Oceans Unit Study. It was not created to be used without the unit study.




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Hearts for Home Blog Hop #113 ~ Geography and History

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The Hearts for Home Blog Hop is a weekly blog hop that begins every Thursday morning. The theme of this blog hop is showing that our hearts are for our homes. Post topics include: homeschooling, marriage, parenting, homemaking, faith, budgeting, crafts, DIY projects and more! We would love to see you link up your posts. We feature the most popular post and a few of our favorites every week! Will you be one of the next Featured Bloggers?

Not a blogger? That’s okay! This blog hop will be your one stop location to finding ideas and inspiration for fulfilling your role as a wife, mother and follower of Christ. We are so glad you have stopped by!

Meet my cohosts here!

Featured bloggers with the most clicks last week were ~ Why I don’t trust my 10 year old (In All You Do) and Why my kids ar enot allowed to watch YouTube (Smart Mom Smart Ideas)

India in Salt Dough (Another Way to Geography in Homeschool) (Lit Mama)

Freebie Friday Linkup: Ancient Greece (Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy)

Passport to Fun – Ireland! (Syncopated Mama)





Welcome! Please make sure to link directly to your post (not your main blog page) so we can find the fabulous post you want to share. Each week we will select someone’s blog link up that our readers “clicked” with the most and share some of my favorite posts that were linked up! Thank you!

Hearts for Home @ Monsters Ed Homeschooling Academy


Please make sure to display our Hearts for Home button on your blog post, sidebar or tabs. This button can be found on the blog hop each week. Kindly make sure to visit some of the other wonderful bloggers who have linked up here. Were you featured on our Hearts for Home Blog Hop? Congratulations! Grab a Featured button to proudly display on your blog or website.

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We invite everyone to get “clicking” and have some blog hopping fun!

We have created a Pinterest Board so that we can help spread the word on the blog’s that have had featured posts on our Hearts for Home Blog Hop. Make sure to stop by and check it out HERE.

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12 Months of Montessori Learning ~ February: Geography

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12 months of montessori learning

The kids LOVE learning all about other countries and the different parts of the world. As part of our Pack Your Bags geography curriculum, I have added a few additional Montessori printables to add a little variety to our weekly lessons.

Instead of focussing on just the Country we are studying in the Pack Your Bags curriculum, we are focusing on the continent, the oceans and/or seas closest to that country.

I have found fantastic resources online that we will be using throughout the year, and in the future.

North American Flags – Pin Map Flags

North American Flags - Pin Map Flags
North American Flags (color-coded) – Printable Montessori Geography Materials
The 41 flags of North and Central America according to the continental regions and sub-regions as defined by the United Nations 12-16-2010.

41 pin map flags: orange color-coding on back of flags and labeled
41 pin map flags: orange color-coding on back of flags and no labels
basic instructions on how to prepare the pin map flags

All pin map flags are approximately 1 x 1½” in size and color-coded with orange.

North America – Control Maps, Masters and Labels

North America - Control Maps, Masters and Labels
Includes the following Maps of North America:
1 black and white blank map
1 black and white labeled map
1 colored blank map
1 colored and labeled map
2 sets of map labels (1 set with orange borders, 1 set with no borders)*

Montessori Maps of North America for Montessori Learning at home and school.

World – Control Maps, Masters and Labels

World - Control Maps, Masters and Labels
World Control Maps, Master and Labels – Printable Montessori Geography Materials

Includes the following World Maps:
1 black and white blank map
1 black and white labeled map (includes oceans)
1 colored blank map
1 colored and labeled map (includes oceans)
1 colored blank map (includes blue water)
1 colored and labeled map (includes blue water and oceans)
1 set of black and white map labels*
1 set of color labels*

The World Map Control Maps – Printable Montessori Geography Learning Materials for home and school.
* map labels (continents and oceans) for large puzzle map or floor map




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12 Months of Montessori Learning Posts:
January: Practical Life