Monday Monster Printable Madness #22 – South Africa Provinces Poster Pack

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spring has sprung

South Africa is a nation rich in diversity, comprising nine distinct provinces, each with its unique characteristics, cultural heritage, and economic significance.
Monsters Ed South Africa Provinces
Limpopo, the northernmost province, shares borders with Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Named after the Limpopo River, it boasts an abundance of wildlife and cultural treasures. The capital is Polokwane, and the province has a population of approximately 5.9 million.

Moving westward, North West province is bordered by Botswana and features attractions such as Sun City and Pilanesberg National Park. Mahikeng serves as its capital, and it has a population of around 4.2 million residents.

Gauteng is the smallest province but holds the largest share of South Africa’s population. It is the country’s economic powerhouse, with Johannesburg as its capital and a population exceeding 16 million. Key sectors include financial services, logistics, and manufacturing.

Mpumalanga, meaning “Place where the sun rises,” is renowned for its stunning landscapes and wildlife, making it a major tourist destination. Its capital is Mbombela, with a population of about 4.7 million.

The Northern Cape is the largest province by area but has the smallest population share. Known for its San rock art and diamond mining, Kimberley is its capital, housing around 1.3 million people.

The Free State lies in the heart of South Africa, characterised by vast farmlands and blue skies. Bloemfontein is the capital here, with a population of approximately 2.9 million.

KwaZulu-Natal is famous for its lush subtropical coast and vibrant cultural scene. With Pietermaritzburg as its capital, it has a population of about 11.5 million.

The Western Cape, located at Africa’s south-western tip, is celebrated for its breathtaking scenery and cultural diversity. Cape Town serves as its capital and has around 7.2 million residents.

Lastly, the Eastern Cape features rugged coastlines and diverse flora. Bhisho is the capital here, with a population of approximately 6.7 million.
Together, these provinces contribute to South Africa’s rich tapestry of culture and economy, making it a fascinating destination for both locals and visitors alike.

Thank you for popping by and don’t miss next week’s introduction of our My Alphabet Book!

If you have any suggestions on printables you’d like to see, please leave a comment below.




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Monday Monster Printable Madness #21 – South Africa National Symbols

This post may contain affiliate links which help support my family. Thank you for stopping by.

spring has sprung

South Africa is a nation rich in culture and heritage, vividly reflected through the South Africa national symbols. These symbols serve not only as emblems of national pride but also as representations of the country’s diverse history and unity.
Monsters Ed South African National Symbols
One of the most prominent symbols is the South African flag, which features a unique design with vibrant colours that represent the country’s diversity. Each colour has its own significance, symbolising the various communities that make up the nation. The flag’s design is a reminder of South Africa’s journey from apartheid to democracy, embodying hope for a united future.

Another vital symbol is the national anthem, “Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika,” which translates to “God Bless Africa.” This anthem is a powerful call for unity and peace among all South Africans. Its lyrics resonate deeply with the struggles faced throughout the nation’s history, celebrating resilience and the collective spirit of its people.

The national flower, the King Protea, further exemplifies South Africa’s natural beauty and biodiversity. This striking flower symbolises change and hope, flourishing in various environments across the country. It represents the richness of South Africa’s flora and serves as a reminder of the importance of conservation.

The national animal, the Springbok, is a symbol of agility and grace. It holds significant cultural importance, especially in sports, where it represents the national rugby team. The Springbok embodies the spirit of South Africans, showcasing our determination and strength.

South Africa’s national symbols are not just icons; they are integral to understanding the nation’s identity. They reflect a shared history and aspirations for a harmonious future, making them essential elements of South African culture.

Thank you for popping by and don’t miss next week’s introduction of our South Africa Provinces poster pack!

If you have any suggestions on printables you’d like to see, please leave a comment below.




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Freebie Friday ~ Guy Fawkes Resources

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Guy Fawkes Resources

Guy Fawkes Day, also called Bonfire Night, is celebrated on November 5, commemorating the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

The Gunpowder Plot conspirators, led by Robert Catesby, were zealous Roman Catholics enraged at King James I for refusing to grant greater religious tolerance to Catholics. They planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) during the state opening of Parliament, intending to kill the king and members of Parliament in order to clear the way to reestablishing Catholic rule in England. The plan failed when the conspirators were betrayed. One of them, Guy Fawkes, was taken into custody the evening before the attack, in the cellar where the explosives to be used were stashed. The other conspirators were all either killed resisting capture or—like Fawkes—tried, convicted, and executed. In the aftermath, Parliament declared November 5 a national day of thanksgiving, and the first celebration of it took place in 1606.[Source]

FREE! Festivals – Readings w/ Full Lesson Plans for ESL or High School Classes from The Laughing Linguist on Teachers Pay Teachers
Guy Fawkes Resources
★Your students will love their new reading material. Truly engaging topics rather than the snooze-fest that textbooks often provide them with. Colourful, high-quality readings with interesting topics that are bound to catch the interest of your students.

★★★FREE download package includes 3 intermediate/advanced (B2/A1) readings:

☛ Guy Fawkes Night/ Bonfire Night,
☛ Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls
☛ Burning Man Festival

FREE – Guy Fawkes Night (Bonfire Night) – British Festival Reading Lesson from The Laughing Linguist on Teachers Pay Teachers
Guy Fawkes Resources
FREE Reading lesson with Full lesson plan. Work with your students to learn about the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot and it’s annual celebration. It contains pre-reading activities, a reading, synonym match, comprehension check & discussion starters.

The Gunpowder Plot: On November 5th, 1602, Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators were arrested trying to plant explosives under the Houses of Parliament and blow up King James I and the House of Lords. The foiling of this plot is celebrated to this day and involves the dressing up of a doll, named a “Guy”, who is put on top of a bonfire and burnt. The celebration also involves heavy use of fireworks, leading it to be often called Fireworks Night. It’s a really interesting festival and makes an interesting change from the usual diet of Thanksgiving and Halloween lessons that students get fed every fall!

Guy Fawkes / Bonfire Night song | History | La La La Learn from on Teachers Pay Teachers
Guy Fawkes Resources
The story of Guy Fawkes and how Bonfire Night came to be; told through the medium of music.

Remember, remember, the fifth of November

Bonfire night mini pack from Worms Eye View on Teachers Pay Teachers
Guy Fawkes Resources
This is a mini pack all about Bonfire night. Including a fireworks safety page, colouring pictures and the story of Guy Fawkes.

Bonfire Night Guided reading comprehension texts – Guy Fawkes from Teacher’s Time Turner on Teachers Pay Teachers
Guy Fawkes Resources
Take a look at these Bonfire Night comprehension texts. If you are looking for something to use for you class in the run up to Guy Fawkes night then these are ideal.

The resource is made up of three texts of about 12 lines of text with 6 questions following.

Please note – as this is a resource about the British holiday of Bonfire Night / Guy Fawkes, it uses British English spelling. This may be a good talking point for your class if you do not usually use these spellings.

ESL Reading activity and game (British Culture) Bonfire Night on Nov 5th from PIA on Teachers Pay Teachers
Guy Fawkes Resources
Here is a loop game and reading activity about Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes night for ESL learners. I hope this will be useful for both of you and your students.

Bonfire Night Writing Task Cards from Holly Rachel on Teachers Pay Teachers
Guy Fawkes Resources
This Bonfire Night freebie is the perfect starting point for writing activities based on Guy Fawkes Night, the 5th November.

Included are 16 task cards, four per page. Simply print, laminate for durability and cut out and they will be ready to inspire your students! Writing tasks include poetry, instructions, persuasion, recount and much more!




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Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources

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Freebie Friday - The Roman Empire
Researching Ancient History has always been something I have enjoyed. Finding the Roman Empire Resources has been particularly enjoyable and I couldn’t wait to share these fun resources with you.

Fall of the Roman Empire from James Gasparo on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
This worksheet reviews the many reasons for the Fall of Rome and asks students if America is following in the same steps as Rome in ways that are easy for middle school students to identify.

The Fall of the Roman Empire + Assessments from The Medieval World and Early Modern Times on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
This Illustrated Overview features the reasons for the Fall of the Western Roman Empire – Political, Military, Economic, and Social. The Paragraph Assignment instructs the student to select 3 of the most important reasons for the Fall of Rome and explain the importance of their selection.

– 4-Page Illustrated Article
– Multiple Choice Assessment
– Answer Key
– Scaffolded Paragraph Assessment
– Paragraph Scoring Rubric
– Crossword + Crossword Key
– Visuals + Map
– Printables
– Graphic Organizers

No Prep

Legacy of the Roman Empire – Middle School Common Core Lesson from MrRoughton on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
An examination of primary and secondary sources regarding the legacy of the Roman Empire. Students analyze each source in order to draw a conclusion which they will then support with evidence. Designed specifically for the Common Core but also to be accessible and engaging for middle school students.

Roman Empire Map from Johnny S Teaching on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
This is a map labeling activity that I have used in Honers Western Civ. & Western Civ. The map could easily be used for a World History or Geography class as well. The map focuses on the Roman Empire. Students need to write out where these locations are. This is also a good study tool for the unit test which requires them to identify some of the major geographic features in the region.

Decline of the Roman Empire from There and Back Again A Math Teacher’s Quest on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
For this activity my goal was to list the successes of Rome and explore why it declined. You will need to find a video that explains the decline of Rome. My school happens to have a Discovery Education account and I am using their video “Civilizations: Fall of Power” as a basis for the note taking portion. (Please note, the link to this video is not included).

The second part of the lesson involves the students taking their notes and evaluating the causes for the decline by filling in thought bubbles on paintings of Romans.
(All pictures are google pictures).

Ancient Rome: Expansion of Roman Empire Interactive Notebook Foldable from LoveTeachTravel on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
Expansion of Rome Interactive Notebook Foldable

EQ: Did the benefits outweigh the costs in Rome’s expansion?

Use this foldable to help your students record information about the Roman Empire’s four expansions. I use chapter 34 in HIstory Alive: The Ancient World

Great to use with Cornell notes or with a map coloring in the 4 expansions!

Leads up great to a Philosophical Chairs discussion centered around the EQ.

Roman Empire from BBC Bitesize
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
What was life like in ancient Rome?
How the Romans conquered Britain
What was life like in the Roman army?
Did the Romans conquer Scotland?
What was it like in Roman Britain?
How did the Romans change Britain?

Roman Colouring pages from As the Romans Do
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
Make history fun and teach your kids about Ancient Roman with these Colouring pages.

Roman Emperors from Mr Donn
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
Rome was an Empire for over 500 years. During this time there were over 140 different emperors!

Ancient Roman Government Hierarchy from Hierarchy Structure
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
Ancient Rome was one of the most exquisite and thriving civilizations that started growing on the Italian Peninsula in the beginning of the 8th century. The civilization was centered on the city of the Rome and expanded amorously to become one of the largest empires in the ancient world.

Roman Soldier from Bible Pathway Adventures
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
Enjoy our free worksheet: Roman Soldier. Fun for kids to print and learn more about the Roman Empire. At the time of Yeshua (Jesus), the Roman Empire ruled Judea. Life for a Roman soldier was tough. They were often involved in intense battles. Simply right-click the worksheet, save to your computer and print. Feel free to share with others, too!

Ancient Rome Coloring Pages from
Freebie Friday ~ The Roman Empire Resources
Coloring pages to inspire children learning about Italy.




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Freebie Friday ~ Ancient China Resources

This post may contain affiliate links which help support my family. Thank you for stopping by.

Freebie Friday - Ancient China

Writing Chinese Calligraphy: “Home” from
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
This Chinese calligraphy worksheet brings together making art and learning language for your child. See how the Chinese character for “home” evolved from a picture of a pig cozy under a roof, and then practice writing the character yourself!

Chinese New Year Girl 3D Paper Model from DLTK Holidays
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
This is one of the more complicated crafts on the DLTK websites, but it is a fairly simple example of a three dimensional paper model and provides a good introduction to the fun and time consuming hobby of paper modeling.

Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. This little girl is dressed up and ready to celebrate. She has a sign for each of the years (2012 is the Year of the Dragon, 2013 is the Year of the Snake, 2014 is the Year of the Horse, etc.)

Chinese New Year Crown or Hat from DLTK HOlidays
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
A simple construction paper ‘hat’ the kids have fun making, decorating and wearing! We like making tissue paper flowers to decorate it, but you can use markers, stickers, glitter or gel pens instead.

Chinese Dragon TP Roll Craft from DLTK Holidays
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
This is a simple craft to do for Chinese New Year or as a generic dragon craft.

The folded paper strips between the tp-roll halves means that the dragon craft can move around as if it is dancing!

The Chinese Dragon Dance is a traditional dance that involve people dressing up in costumes to make full sized “puppets”. Martial arts moves, bells and drums accompany the dances.

The traditional dragon costume is made by many performers. In the picture below you can see the performers hanging onto the poles and moving the dragon.

Chinese New Year’s Lantern Craft from DLTK Holidays
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
You can hang up just one paper lantern or make a bunch and string them up to decorate the house or classroom.

There is a template for each of the Chinese New Year zodiac animals.

Ancient China Lapbook study created by Jimmie, Wende, and Ami
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
Most of the information, mini-books, and ideas are from Jimmie\’s Squidoo Lens on Ancient China. Used with permission.

Hey There Ancient China – A Parody for Ancient China Primary Studies from Mister Chandlers Songs for Learning on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
This is an educational parody that I am offering for free. When I taught 2nd grade we studied Ancient China and their inventions, and I always wanted to do a parody of the Plain White Tees “Hey There Delilah” and change it to Hey Ancient China. I hope your students like it and it helps them learn more about it!

from Jessica Orth on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
This is a foldable that can be used for teaching about Ancient Chinese Geography and Agriculture. It is ready to print and includes easy step-by step directions. The foldable has information based from a particular textbook, but I feel it could be used with many different materials. Its sections require students to:

*Draw and label the Huang River on a map
*Fill in the Blank
*Draw a levee
*Create their own recipe using foods from Ancient China

I have also included an answer key for your use with this assignment. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make this product more suitable for you! I hope you enjoy!

Ancient China Class Play/Assembly from Susan Russell on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
This Ancient China Class Play/Assembly is one of a *set written by me. It covers all the areas of work the children will have done in class (the beginnings of a great civilization, Confucius, the First Emperor, Life in Ancient China, the four great inventions,) – all delivered by the 12 animals of the Zodiac! Ideal for Grades 3 – 8 and parts for all abilities. This curriculum-based play is fun but informative – guaranteed to be enjoyed by children and adults alike! This play is typical of all my plays – “written by a teacher, for teachers” – easy to deliver, and fun to perform, with seating plan included. The only difference with this one is that I suggest the use of ancient Chinese music whereas in my other plays my suggestions are always of a rock n roll variety – which really lifts the performance.

Easy Ancient China Summaries from Middle School Marketplace on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
These summaries can be used with an ancient civilizations curriculum. They are designed for English Language Learners or very low readers. This unit includes five easy summaries about ancient Chinese geography, dynasties, inventions, Buddhism, and Confucianism & Taoism.

Ancient China Video Questions – Youtube Video Link Included! Free! from Lesson Plan Ninja on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
Ancient China – Movie Questions for Time Life’s, “Lost Civilizations: China, Dynasties of Power” documentary. Narrated by Sam Waterston, this 35 minute documentary covers the first dynasty of China, the Shang, and the first emperor of China, Chin. It also focuses on oracle bones, the Great Wall, silk and Chinese inventions.

Also included is a weblink to the video so you can play the video online. Video questions are very short and very easy to answer, so your students can concentrate on the video. An answer key is provided with the file.

Ancient China Study Flashcards from Veni vidi vici on Teachers Pay Teachers
Freebie Friday - Ancient China
22 flashcards to study for Ancient China. These can be cut up and used for many different activities!




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Freebie Friday ~ Ancient Greece Resources

This post may contain affiliate links which help support my family. Thank you for stopping by.

Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources

Country of Greece Coloring Pages from
Ancient Greece Resources
Coloring pages to inspire children learning about Greece.

Greece Word Search from DLTK’s Crafts for Kids
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
Print out the easy or challenging Greece word search puzzle. Encourage the children to find and circle the words listed. I think word searches are a great way to expand and practice vocabulary words!

Greek Mythology Word Search from DLTK’s Crafts for Kids
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
Encourage the children to find and circle the words listed on the easy or challenging puzzle. I think word searches are a great way to expand and practice vocabulary words!

The Story of Arachne, the Weaver from DLTK’s Crafts for Kids
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
written by James Baldwin, adapted and illustrated by Leanne Guenther — based on Greek mythology

The Story of Icarus from DLTK’s Crafts for Kids
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
© written and illustrated by Leanne Guenther

The Story of Medusa and Athena from DLTK’s Crafts for Kids
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
© written and illustrated by Leanne Guenther

Persephone from DLTK’s Crafts for Kids
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
Persephone is a Greek myth about the daughter of the Greek goddess of harvest, Demeter.

How Prometheus Gave Fire to Men from DLTK’s Crafts for Kids
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
written by James Baldwin, adapted and illustrated by Leanne Guenther — based on Greek mythology

Ancient Greece Unit & Lapbook from prepared by Jodi Small
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
Book and Lesson Themes
Athens, Sparta, Trojan War, Trojan horse, gods and goddesses, Homer, lexander the Great, Plato, Socrates, Parthenon, Olympics

Hero’s Journey – From Ancient Greece to Today’s Favorite Films, FREE lecture from on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
What do Harry Potter, Frodo, and Katniss Everdeen all have in common? All of their stories (and so many others) fit the classic storytelling pattern of a heroic journey, as established by famed scholar Joseph Campbell.

Using many of the steps of the heroic journey as chronicled by Campbell, this full-hour lecture or flipped lesson will allow you to share a dynamic multimedia presentation with your students. They will be on the edge of their seats as the stories they love (from The Matrix to Star Wars to Finding Nemo) are connected with elements of the Ancient Greek storytelling tradition.

This high-interest lecture is a 78-slide Prezi that also features numerous embedded video clips. If your computer can view a video on YouTube, you’ll be able to view this file. This is great for a full-class period lecture, but could also be used in a flipped English classroom. Have students view the Prezi at home and then work in teams in class to connect the steps to an own assigned film title.

Ancient Greece Lesson: Athens vs. Sparta (Brains vs. Brawn) from on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
The slight differences between classical Athens and Sparta are magnified in this lesson because it provides for good issue-based discussion. In reality Athens and Sparta were both fairly militaristic, and at other times both were fairly democratic. Contrary to the way they are commonly portrayed, Athens had a powerful army and navy, and Sparta had an Assembly of elected members. But as we deal with discussing the early development of civilizations, it is useful to portray Sparta as simplistically militaristic and Athens as sophisticated and modern. Not that this is not true to any extent, but it is purposely exaggerated because the overarching principle in this lesson is not the study of Sparta or Athens, but how nations should focus their development: Knowledge or strength? Brains or brawn?

This lesson is perfectly differentiated to include a thought-based introduction, independent study, group work, creativity and artistic effort, while concluding with a presentation.

The assignment meets Common Core requirements and can be used independently as a skill building activity or as part of our larger Ancient Greece unit which is available for purchase.

Course Outline Curriculum: Ancient Greece and Rome FREE! from on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
So, you are teaching about the Greeks and Romans and have no idea WHAT you should teach? This is a useful course outline I have used for many years as a guide to plan lessons and activities around. It tells you what to consider including in your planning, and the units of study developed from it can range from a week to half the school year.

There are links at the end of the document to a variety of products in my store that can help you teach the lessons/activities in this outline. Enjoy!

Ancient Greece: Curriculum and Content Map FREE! from on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
It contains:
1) a list of sixteen “essential guiding questions”
2) a list of twelve “content areas”
3) a list of forty-five “behavioral objectives/skills”
4) a list of twelve “vital lessons”
5) a list of eight “audiovisual resources”

FREE Research Project Ancient Greece Olympics, Research Paper Writing Report from on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Freebie Friday - Ancient Greece Resources
Teachers will download a free research project for students to compare Ancient Greece with modern day Olympics. You will receive eight research paper questions, along with a Venn diagram, to help students with their report writing. The questions may be answered through student research or an online video (link provided). Answer keys are also provided.




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